Monday, August 05, 2019

Three Little Words

Boycott them all. Clearly there is no shame in their game, but Norah O'Donnell should definitely be ashamed of herself with this little nugget. Then again, she did a puff piece with Mohammed Bone Saw for 60 Minutes, whitewashing this "reformer" who butchers journalists and tortures dissenters.

Maybe the corporate media could cover, I dunno, the problematic coincidences between the El Paso shooter's 8chan manifesto and Hair Fuhrer's choice of words and phrases. So what if he spent a few minutes reading empty platitudes from a teleprompter?

The real problem here is that the corporate media really do understand their role as being that of the gatekeepers of the official narrative. That is what Norah O'Donnell makes a steaming ass-load of money for, not "journalism" or "reportage" or anything like that, but to burnish and curate a narrative which the psychotic billionaire owners of the system have a vested interest in perpetuating.

So how do we put these enablers and assholes in the unemployment line, while still having collective access to the news of the day, to empirical facts and useful information? This is something we need to figure out, and soon. Merely deposing the emperor next year -- should we be permitted to do so in the first place -- will not solve the problem; whether he is office or not, he will continue his idiot peanut-gallery bullshit until the day that final cheeseburger strokes him out, and they will cover him, because he's good for their business.

We need to put their business on a rocket ship, and fire it directly into the heart of the sun.

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