Wednesday, September 25, 2019

They Might Be Giants

Congratulations to the House Democrats for finally finding sufficient motivation to, you know, do something about the open, rampant lawlessness emanating from every sweaty pore of the executive branch, and uphold that pesky Constitution. Make no mistake -- these people have been stress-testing institutional resistance the entire time. They know they already have the judicial branch in their pocket, since they (literally) paid down the six-figure debts of Justice Rapebro McGambledrunk and thus purchased his services for the next several decades. Now they are seeing how far they can push the legislative branch before there's pushback.

And here we are. No matter how it got to this, nor how long it took or whatever, the fact is we are here, so let's do this right. Be like Bruce Lee:  swift and lethal, but also studied and methodical, knowing just where and how to hit to inflict real damage. Obviously, information is surfacing practically by the hour, so this is easier said than done, but one hopes (assumes) that the timing of the Democrats' decision is not random nor strictly reactive, that they have prepared and strategized for this eventuality, and that there's a rollout planned in advance.

Of course, Trump and his gang of bumbling idiots seam determined to help out as much as possible already, just in the past twenty-four hours or so:
  • Trump apparently called Pelosi yesterday morning to see if there was something they could "work out" on this whistleblower thing. To anyone other than a full-on Kool-Aid-slurping cultist, this is prima facie evidence of intent to commit conspiracy, as well as an admission of guilt in the crime in the first place.
  • Giuliani has been flooding the zone and fucking the dog, losing his shit on a number of panel shows and apparently even holding up his own phone at one point as the repository of the evidence. We'll see if he receives his subpoena before his own people throw him under the proverbial bus. Chances are both have already happened by the time you read this.
  • Which will beg another question for the investigating committee(s):  why the hell is Rudy Giuliani, who has no government position, being used as an intermediary in sensitive foreign diplomacy? Even if everything was kosher -- and it isn't, not by a longshot -- he's Trump's gofer. There's a reason these tasks are undertaken by employees of the government, who have accountability to the nation, and not to this scheming, chiseling douchebag. Birds of a feather -- Rudy was over there pro bonehead, to head-hunt another captive customer for his "consulting" racket.

    Think in Goodfellas terms:  Rudy is there in the Tommy role, to shakedown the restaurant on Paulie's behalf. Not as a bust-out, but as an ongoing protection racket. It's really that simple, and none of the players needs to explicitly say anything. Just friends needing favors from friends, and maybe we help you guys out, and then maybe my pal Rudy here can host a nice security conference in Kyiv or Odessa next year for a small honorarium.
  • Giuliani is saying he was in Ukraine on request from the State Department. Which means Mike Pompeo is probably balls-deep in this mess too. And don't count out Pencey the Toady!
  • The "transcript" is obviously no such thing, unless Trump and Zelenskyy both spoke at one-fifth normal speed. The call was a half-hour long, and there's maybe six to ten minutes' worth of dialogue to be had in what is assuredly a scrubbed text. Apparently the White House even altered a transcript of the press feed yesterday (which is official documentation, and not to be altered for obvious reasons) when Fatboy got pissy with a reporter. So yeah, tapes or it's not a transcript. Not that we don't trust you, understand.
  • I had been thinking that there's no way to Trump without going through Bill Barr, and that would certainly be simpler, but it's a dead cinch that Trump's tax records and Deutsche Bank loan docs will show a clear pattern of fraud. He inflated his net worth to secure the loan, and then turned around and understated his income to the IRS. Go ahead and try either of those things yourself, and see how that works out for you.
  • However, Barr deserves to be impeached, and at this point, he has made it as much of a legal and moral necessity to do so as Trump has. Already we are seeing clips of Kamala Harris grilling him back in May, in the wake of the Mueller Report, specifically asking Barr if he had investigated anyone at the behest of the White House or any of its staff. And Trump himself brought up Barr in his conversation with Zelenskyy. It's great that the boss' sheer ineptitude makes this easier, but hopefully no one takes anything for granted. Make the case as strong as possible. Impeaching Barr will only reinforce the case overall, and may even get Dollar Bill to flip on his chief.

Again, the terrain is shifting by the hour, so it's impossible to synthesize all the info quickly and produce any sort of analysis that will mostly hold up a week or even a day from now. But things are moving fast, and so the Democrats must be prepared to roll with that dynamic.

The biggest factor is the GOP elephant in the room -- if enough evidence starts pouring out in a torrent, and the "leaders" of that traitorous cabal start looking at their internal polling, the flood of retirements, the incoming calls (apparently thoughtful Ben Sasse made sure to direct all questions to a hapless staffer named James), and then factor in that another wave of retaliatory tariffs from Genius Q. Dealmaker's spiffy little trade war are set to kick in right before Christmas, you might start seeing a few high-profile defections.

It will be tempting at that point for the Democrats to make some sort of deal. And unless that deal involves Commander Babyfingers leaving office and standing trial, it's a no-go. The Republicon Party has spent the last couple decades proving that it must be ended, pulverized, disintegrated, the ashes spread to the four winds and the embers urinated and shat upon.

This precedes Trump by a long time, goes back at least to Newt Gingrich, and really back to Paul Weyrich and R.J. Rushdoony and that ilk, evilangelical grifters who clung to Reagan's droopy old-man ball-sack, burrowed in like ticks, and set up shop. They have poisoned this nation for nearly half a century now, taken the party down that road with them, and both must be removed from having any significant effect on the political system of this country.

The great thing is that it will be simple -- make them pay their fucking taxes. But it has to be done, without mercy, from Trump all the way down to Steve Fucking Doocy. Either put them in jail or put them out of work. There is no compromise. They had a million chances and chose to enable a moral monster and an habitual criminal. McConnell is still sitting on dozens of pieces of legislation that the House has worked to pass this year, just so he can look in the camera and say they've done nothing.

So #MoscowMitch, Putin's bitch, needs to either be in jail or out of a job. Same for Graham, and Collins, and all the other dirtbags up for re-election, no quarter. Let the rest of them know they're marked. Flood the panel shows with consistent, simple talking points, and repeat them over and over again until the dopiest rube in the street can sing it back at a street rally.

This is marketing as much as it is political or legal, and when you think about it, that actually simplifies the process of getting the electorate on your side. Look at how efficiently Corporate 'murka is at getting people to stuff their faces with Cheetos or Golden Corral buffets or poisonous pharma meds, thirty seconds at a time.

It will be a bumpy road, and an ugly finish no matter what. But this is the first day in a very long time where I felt relief that the country might get its shit together and start finding a better direction. We just have to make sure to look further back than just "before Trump," because he is a product of the disease that captured that party a very long time ago. Excising the tumor is not enough; the patient needs chemo.

[Update 1:10 PDT: It gets so much better already. Apparently some genius in the White House emailed their impeachment talking points to the House Democrats, then frantically tried to recall the email. It's hilarious, until you realize these morons are running the fucking country.]

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