Saturday, October 19, 2019

Family Affairs

Isn't it wonderful to live in a country where an endless line of otherwise unemployable fail-children can lecture everyone on the evils of nepotism? I mean, Hunter Biden seems like a garden-variety cheesedick failson who rode his last name as far as it would take him. Which makes him different from Ronna Romney, Liz Cheney, Meghan McCain, the adult Trump offspring, and all these other tedious assholes, exactly how?

Yes, it's bullshit that Hunter Biden should be able to get this makework bullshit job and scoop up an easy $50k/month for nothing. But that's a drop in the bucket compared to what the conniving, chiseling, pelf-grubbing spawn of Donald Trump's polluted seed raked in last year, and the year before, and next year. You know? The fucking balls on these goddamned people.

What the fuck does Meghan McCain do, sits her fat ass on a morning talk-show for bored housewives and inflicts her worthless opinions on everyone else, since she's completely unqualified for anything resembling actual labor where there's a tangible product at the end of the day. Her skill set includes calling the manager and pushing around the help. She doesn't do a single thing that you would trade a hard-earned dime for. If she was on a cruise that shipwrecked on a deserted island, she'd be roasted on a spit within a week -- one, because then you'd finally get her to shut the fuck up, and two, because she's completely useless otherwise.

I've always despised the Kennedys and Bushes for this same nonsense, this false sense of noblesse oblige intertwined with the expectation that since you know their name, you love their game. Oh, how nice of you to take a break from your Hamptons parties to pretend you give two shits about the peons. But at least most of the scions of those families made some minimal effort to be marginally competent at something. Not anymore. You wouldn't hire Eric Trump to fix your fucking toilet.

Once again, you have to give Paris Hilton some credit -- she may be a clueless idiot, but at least she had the common decency to take her hard-earned money and go the fuck away.

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