Monday, October 28, 2019

Fuck Your Feelings

So Mister Man, smug and secure in thinking that he timed the killing of ISIS Guy #1 perfectly with appearing at the World Series last night. And wouldn't you know it, a crowd that wasn't paid and curated for the weekly klan rally in Pig's Taint, Mississippi had a different reaction than he -- and, of course, the useless eaters in the corporate commentariat -- expected.

You don't need me to belabor the finer points on this one. I'm only going to say a couple brief things about it:
  1. Hoarse Whisperer is correct. This is the sort of thing that has (let's coin it) an invisible momentum to it. It breaches the misplaced certitude and unearned confidence of the cultist and the hack. He'll never show his worthless face to a non-handpicked crowd again, and even his most die-hard toe-suckers will know. They'll never admit it, but they know. It is a small but critical point that should be brutally hammered by the right people (lookin' at you, Dem candidates). He's a fucking loser, and always has been. That he still has a cult only proves that there's a mark for every two-bit con-man, no matter how bad.
  2. Thanks to his MSNBC gig, his current choice of spouse, and his occasionally public disavowals of the man who he slavishly promoted a mere three years ago, Joe Scarborough has cultivated a false image of himself as a political moderate. He is not. His congressional seat is the one currently held by professional dipshit Matt Gaetz, who should be doing public service announcements reminding people that while there is not yet a cure for terminal fuckface-itis, there is treatment. But Scarborough was a dollar-scrounging Gingrich disciple, anti-abortion, anti-women's rights. An assistant died mysteriously in his office. But even if he's squeaky clean on the Lori Klausitis case, politically he was never anything but a reactionary turd. Whether it's next year or five or ten years from now, the next time you have a Democratic president or senate majority, Scarborough will turn tack and revert to his natural ankle-biting posture. Bet money on it.
And just in general, anyone you see in the corporate media today lecturing about "civility" and "respect for the office" and all that (parody link), stop giving them your time and attention immediately. Such comments reveal exactly who and what they really are, much more clearly than any posing on a particular issue. Turn the channel, and pray to the Flying Spaghetti Monster for them to be rendered bankrupt and forced to ply an honest trade.

Trump has no "respect for the office" he defiles, nor the people he presides over, nor even most of the people who voted for him. He has no respect for anyone, and respect must be earned to be given freely and honestly. I've never had an ounce of respect for that fucking asshole, not back in the day, and certainly not now.

I'm absolutely mystified by people who couldn't see that he was nothing more than a mouthy jerkoff losing other people's money back in the Eighties, and only got worse from there. He's every drunk asshole blowhard at the end of every dive bar in every shithole town across this great land of ours. He just happened to start out with $400M in tax-dodging trust funds that his daddy set up for him. As Michael Jackson proved, you can get away with being really bad at business for a long time, when you have easy money to insulate you from the consequences normal people would face quickly.

And we left "civility" back at the train station three years ago. At this point, one side being obliged to play by Marquess of Queensberry rules, while the other spikes the Calvinball in their faces daily, is simply agreeing to get slaughtered. Don't take the bait. Tell them -- and him -- to go fuck themselves, in no uncertain terms, and every chance you get. We really should have a better class of mediots, but in the end, like politicians, the best way to be rid of them is to tune them out, once and for all.


  1. Well the comment before mine is kinda weird, but hey - Hammer, love your writing man, my sentiments exactly, awesome! You must be a sledge hammer, you smack 'em hard every time! NOT trying to become your secret obsession!

    A Fan

  2. Thanks, Anonymous, I appreciate the kudos. That first comment is pretty odd, even for spam. I was going to toss it, but I'm going to leave it since it's so ridiculous, and provides context to your comment. Spread the word!
