Sunday, October 20, 2019

Our Liberal Media

I don't know how many more reasons one needs to completely boycott the utterly worthless New York Times, but maybe this will help:

They spent months front-paging the Hillary server story, and now that she's been cleared, they dump that news back on A16.

Between that, the countless Cletus safaris, and the bad-faith hackcess journo pieces, it's actually very difficult to tell what purpose the Times serves anymore. Half the slop-ed columnists are notable only for the sheer paucity of insight or fresh analysis, and the reportage mostly has the undercurrent of a beaten wife who's terrified of angering her psychotic spouse. Who needs it?

I know it's still the "newspaper of record," but the only reason for that is because people still think it's the newspaper of record. That's a simple tautology to change, and a necessary one, because there should be no question that they will have their thumb on the scale in the name of "fairness" for the 2020 election.

The corporate media, whether cable teevee or print, are not your friends, and they are not the savior of the republic that they portray themselves to be. They're dogsbodies working for the psychotic billionaires who own and operate this popsicle stand, and their clear mission is to steer you into voting the way they want you to -- or better yet, not voting at all. Electoral inertia is their fondest wish.

Do yourself a favor -- clear your mind and dump these fucking weasels, the sooner the better. The one good extended piece they manage to crank out every month or so no longer offsets the daily harm they do. They are better than Fixed Noise only by a matter of degree.

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