Monday, October 14, 2019

Video Games

These people, they just never stop, do they? These weird closet-case assholes who self-actualize by re-imagining an obese, drug-addled senior citizen who never exercises, probably can't walk more than thirty feet at a time and certainly can't run, as this righteous ninja taking down all his "enemies" like a bad-ass. Maybe they just ran out of fetish porn to liberate their knuckle-children to, who knows?

Apparently the video -- and we both know which video I'm referring to, right? -- has actually been out for some time, making the rounds of the incel sector of YouTube. Interesting that, in addition to showing "Trump" "killing" all the "fake news" networks, shown with logos for heads (wow, these guys just never cease to amaze with their profound creativity), and "celebrity" critics such as Kathy Griffin and Rosie O'Donnell, there are also political figures such as Rep. Maxine Waters, Sens. Bernie Sanders, Willard "Mitt" Rmoney, and Hillary Clinton, and former President Barack Obama. Seems like someone should get a visit from the good folks of the Secret Service.

There are the usual howls of outrage from the usual howlers, but we'll see how long it lasts until the next one. Corporate media journalists are particularly sensitive about this one, understandably so. But this has been coming for a long time, and it's not like he's bothered to conceal his contempt for them. Some of them are doing good work with limited resources and bandwidth. Others might want to pause for a second and ask themselves if anyone is really clamoring for another profile of some fist-shaking codger in a haunted Pennsyltucky diner.

Whatever the case, never doubt for a moment that these people have made themselves abundantly clear. Their "humor" is the humor of the Joker, the sadism of an Itchy & Scratchy cartoon or a bloody Deadpool (or in this particular case, Kingsman) movie. And that's not a slam against those movies; as mindless action movies go, they're well-made and passably entertaining.

But for these obsessive goons who worship a pathetic old huckster and make these little objects of devotion as a token of love, the line becomes blurred eventually, as their "works" become more notorious but strangely, women still won't fuck them. Obviously they're not successful at anything else in life, so it revolves around the one thing they're....well, good at is not the right word, maybe recognized for.

But even that has its limits -- this Carpe Donktum asshole is going to get doxed and outed, and probably shit-canned from whatever broom- or button-pushing job he has in meatspace. It's not like Commander Babyfingers is going to show his appreciation by appointing him Minister of Dopey Propaganda and throwing money at him. The real news is, that's not how Fat Donnie has ever operated. It's a one-way street, hoss. So good luck with all that.

The good news is that maybe now some folks can quit with the damned civility lectures. There's your fucking civility, champ. How do you like it? Maybe it's time to punch back by putting together a few two-minute compilations of Fatboy Says the Dumbest Things, give it Yakety Sax or sad-trombone bumper music, and make it viral.

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