Friday, November 15, 2019

Born Every Minute

I don't know how the estimable Daniel Dale keeps doing what he's doing, frankly. He must have a masochistic streak a mile wide. The entire thread is interesting enough, if depressing in its tedious repetition of the rank stupidity that has been mainlined into the body politic.

What sticks out is the tweet in the link above where John Fuckface Kennedy, the You Ass Sinadur outta Loozyanna, who is a millionaire lawyer educated at Vanderbilt and Oxford, and has never gotten so much as a callous or a splinter on his hands in his life, goes on a ludicrous tirade about "goat's-milk lattes" and "avocado toast" and such like. Hoo-ee! Boah howdeh theah, thissa pow'ful sweddy wuhk up'a heah dem lites! Lahk ta cuttin' a big ol' hawg in the ass!

I think it would be a fine thing if these good folks showed us coastal elites a thing or two about avocado toast and all that, and went ahead and elected livestock molester Eddie Rispone by a landslide. And when he jams a fat pool cue straight up their collective ass, we'll still be out here eating avocado toast. (For the record, I have never had avocado toast. Once in a great while I'll have a couple bites of guacamole with chips and salsa.) Boy, you really showed us! I bet you're too much of a liberal pussy to jump off that oil refinery tower!

It's impossible to feel any sympathy or even empathy for these chumps, who sit there and fall for this discount Huey Long shit, this rich asshole engaging once again in po'face minstrelsy, shucking and jiving like (as one of the commenters in the link above brilliantly put it) he's spent his adult life selling onions out of the trunk of his car.

Louisiana is one of the poorest states in the country, with sky-high rates of cancer and pollution, dismal quality of life, and on and on. They are perpetually competing with their neighbors in Mississippi and Alabama to see who can scrape the bottom of the barrel the most. You want hucksters like Kennedy and Rispone to keep you on your back, have at it, hoss. Wouldn't dream of talking you out of it.

Same thing with that worthless evilangelical grifter Paula White, a character straight out of The Righteous Gemstones who now helps Trump in his mission to further degrade the office and the nation. I mean, I wish she'd get taxed at a 95% rate, and she should be kept at least five hundred miles from any person of political influence, but as far as the rubes she rooks with her cartoonish "prosperity gospel" grift? They're sheep waiting to be sheared; if White wasn't doing it there's dozens of others waiting for the opportunity.

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