Wednesday, November 06, 2019

I Can't Believe It's Not Butthole

Okay, I guess I have to admit it out loud for all to hear -- if you're not watching Tucker Carlson's show, you are missing out on some trenchant political analysis from some of the world's finest thinkers, the most accomplished people in the public policy sphere. I mean, Jesus Christ, was Meat Loaf busy or something? The unbuttoned shirt is a nice touch for a sixty-year-old man.

Let's face it, Fixed Noise reached Peak Moron years ago, but it's like the various hosts have some kind of weird bet with one another to see who can scrape the bottom of the barrel more and still keep a straight face. Half of Carlson's viewers are likely to reflexively scream at the teevee for Fabio to go back to where he came from if he doesn't like it here. Keep up the great work, Tucker!

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