Friday, January 17, 2020


Look, if you're the sort of person who shows up for an "event" hosted by a vile blow-up doll roughly posturing as a human being, you're probably okay with her mocking a stutterer.

Let's cut the shit -- this is who they are, to the cellular level, to the very atom of their being. It would be far more surprising if Lara Trump, or her diaper-wearing rapist of a father-in-law, or her scumbag husband and his troll siblings, or any single person in the toxic orbit of Planet Orange had even a second worth of acting like adults fit for the positions they're in, and just said, "You know, I respect VP Biden's long record of service to our country, but here are just a few reasons why I think you'll agree that we have something better in mind."

They don't not only because they can't, because they're incapable of functioning on that previously base level of acceptable behavior, not only because they really have no policies at all besides legalizing theft and plunder for themselves, but because it's the only thing their idiot kayfabe crowd responds to.

They don't give a fuck about health care or foreign policy or any of that. They just want to make sure you know that they shit on everything you believe in, everyone you hold any measure of respect for, every principle your parents and grandparents fought for.

We'll have forgotten this within twelve hours. It won't even be the thousandth most repulsive thing said by these fuckers between now and the election, or even now and the fourth of July. The important thing to remember is that this is not a gaffe or a slip-up or an inadvertent revelation of what they're really thinking. This is what they openly think at all times. They don't try to hide it. The mediots should stop pretending that they do. It's not a mistake.

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