Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Read the Transcript

It wasn't a transcript, it was a "memorandum of conversation" (aka MEMCON), as we all know, but Dear Leader has refused to admit, thanks to plenty of water-carrying from the complaisant corporate media.

(It seems like a small point, but it's not a small point at all -- in a responsible media ecosystem, every single time an article quoted him saying the word transcript, it should have been pointed out that that word means something, and that the document in question literally had a stamp on it saying NOT A VERBATIM TRANSCRIPT. Okay? For the millionth time, shit like that illustrates how we got here.)

But one of the key bits from the MEMCON was when Trump said to Ukrainian President Zelenskiy, in reference to US Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, "She's going to go through some things." Now, thanks to the cooperation of one of Giuliani's -- and by extension, Trump's; don't think for a second that he wasn't greenlighting this thing -- goons, we know that all options were on the table, that Yovanovitch got the hell out of Kyiv just in time.

At minimum, they were plotting to rough her up physically; i.e., assault and battery. But they were clearly prepared to go to the wall on her. This is a goddamned United States Ambassador we're talking about here. No wonder the FSO corps cleared out so quickly. They knew best case scenario, they'd just be undermined in their stations, or rerouted to some shithole until they were too demoralized to continue.

And if they got too inconvenient, it turns out, these demented old boozehounds were ready to go full John Le Carré on them. All of it points to a scheme to influence or even take over the Ukraine energy sector, which serves as an intermediary for Russia supplying the rest of Europe, as well as a lucrative producer in its own right.

If the Democrats aren't already working on the next set of articles of impeachment, between this, the emoluments, and plenty of other things, they deserve to lose. This is a war, very much in the Clausewitzian "politics by other means" sense, and they need to be prepared to see it through, full measures.

At least now you have an idea of exactly why none of these treasonous scumbags wants to testify. Imagine what the rest of the iceberg looks like.

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