Saturday, February 01, 2020

Tech Wars

Interesting deep dive about the competition for G5 infrastructure, between the US and China, and Huawei's role in all that. About all I would add is that the telecom lobby is one of the most powerful in this country, and hey, how are you liking your internets and streaming services that you pay through the nose for? Remember that South Korea and France have waaayyyyy better service, speed, and bandwidth, for practically nothing.

Anyway, the story is a good reminder of the benefits of "soft power," something we used to be pretty good at, but is all shot to hell now, while China methodically encircles us, setting the stage for the rest of the century to be theirs. It's the long game, another thing we once played well, but Grampa Walnuts only plays pigeon checkers:  kicks the pieces over, shits on the board, and struts around like he won.

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