Monday, March 09, 2020

Gravity and Karma

Two thousand points. Most of it came in the first few minutes, so quickly that the "curbs" kicked in automatically to shut trading down for a few minutes. Then hours of wavering, a slight dead cat bounce in the middle to spot the marks still at the table, culminating in a frantic final hour that ended up nearly eight percent down.

Two thousand points. Seven-point-eight percent. In a single day.

The eleven worst single-day Dow point drops have occurred under the current regime. Twelve of the top thirteen. Fifteen of the top twenty. Six of those "top" eleven have occurred since the beginning of this year.

In the interest of, uh, fairness, it should also be pointed out that ten of the top twenty largest single-day gains also have occurred during the tenure of this festering anal fissure of an administration. All but two of those occurred when the DJIA was higher, which means all of those bigly beautiful gains have been wiped out.

How's your portfolio doin'?

No, Trump didn't cause the coronavirus outbreak, nor did he force the Saudis to start an oil-production trade war with the Russians. But as with everything else, he did and does nothing to prepare for such events, to have knowledgeable people on hand who can provide useful advice on how to mitigate these things when they happen.

His thieving children and scum-in-law cannot help. The White House and halls of Congress and the environs of the capital city have turned into a barracks of worthless toadies and bootlickers and -- worse yet -- televangelists.

Lost in the midst of Trump's usual empty bravado about what a great medicine man he would of made, or his usual sociopathic "concern" that allowing cruise ships to dock might fuck up "his" numbers, is the likelihood -- which means eventual certainty -- that he slow-walked testing kits early on because he owns stock in the company that is now getting the huge contract to produce the kits.

Per usual, Jim Wright has a great analysis of how the virus scare hits the poorer parts of the country, the people who can't just take a few sick days and get healthier, or not spread the plague. It's fine as far as it goes, but I might cock an eyebrow at this sort of thing:

If you're a selfish greedy predatory asshole like Rush Limbaugh, you tell those poor people the coronavirus is just the flu, just a cold, because anything else makes Trump look bad. Because if Trump looks bad, then Rush looks bad. And trust me, every confederate flag waving son of bitch who doesn't have a pot to piss in down here listens to Limbaugh like he's the second coming of Dale Earnhardt Jr.

As always, I get where Jim is coming from. I live in deep red country in Northern California. I have friends and relatives and people I like and respect who, after all this, are still on the Chump Train. I don't pretend to know or understand their rationales, and at this point, I don't care.

I don't want anyone to get sick and die, but at the same time, I give up on responding to people who listen to Rush Limbaugh and watch Fox News. There is nothing I can tell them. They don't want to listen or think, or even admit to themselves for a second that maybe they got rolled, and it's time to cut their losses while they're still, you know, alive and have a pot to piss in and a window to throw it out of.

It is, for many of them, literally a matter of life and death, whether they choose to believe the very stable genius and his ragged cadre of agitprop mercenaries, or their own lyin' eyes. Forget whether "you" or "I" or "we" can "help" "them" -- they want to believe it's another librul hoax.

It's a logistically peculiar understanding of the world and how things and people work. On the one hand, libturds are such cuck pussies that they're afraid of hamburgers and internal combustion engines, and couldn't beat Dear Leader in a free and fair election; on the other hand, they're so all-powerful that they induced China to quarantine sixty-five million people, and forced Italy to lock down their entire country.

That's some very selective mojo, you have to admit. Right up there with running an international pedophile ring out of the basement of a pizza parlor that has no basement. Because where else would you run your child-trafficking ring for the wealthy and powerful, right? A fucking dump in the middle of DC. Brilliant.

They've been telling us all to go fuck ourselves for years now, and I cheerfully take them up on their offer. They can cure themselves with their "Fuck Your Feelings" tee-shirts and Mike Pence's prayer-warrior groups for all I care. They can grow the fuck up and act like responsible citizens and see for themselves what's really happening and who's really trying to kill them, or they find out the hard way.

No one in a position of power or influence ever tells these angry chumps to meet anyone else halfway, or compromise with their political opponents. It's always in one direction. Well, sorry, no. Life's too short and there's no fucking point to trying to persuade idiots. They've made up their minds, and either life snaps one off way up their asses, or they get lucky one more time. They can't see that they're just being used for their angry gullibility, and they're not interested in better eyesight.

They're getting exactly what they wanted, what they voted for. They weren't fooled or bamboozled by Limbaugh or Trump or anyone else. They knew exactly what they were getting into, and now they're seeing the natural outcome of those decisions.

That is not at all to say I told you so or anything terrible like that. It's more like I can't believe you seriously thought there could be any other outcome. I don't know what to tell you, if you can't see it for yourself. Good luck. You're gonna need it.

There is no convincing or "outreach" or any magic mumbo-jumbo you can muster to wake these willing dupes. All you can do, it turns out -- and this goes for the credulous shitheads who think the animals at the DNC have anything significantly better planned for them -- is do whatever you can as an individual to insulate yourself from the stupidity and self-destruction of these people.

Anything else is just pinheads dancing on the heads of angels.

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