Wednesday, May 20, 2020

A Republic, If You Can Banana It

You guys, I think he might be trying to steal the election.
[Piece of shit] Donald Trump mischaracterized Michigan’s absentee ballot policies on Wednesday while threatening federal funding to the state if election officials there do not retreat from measures meant to facilitate mail-in voting.

He made a similar threat to Nevada, which has a Republicon Secretary of State.

Let's cut the shit here, and stop pretending Trump has some sort of specific hard-on about voting by mail, or even voter fraud. He and his shitbag family all vote by mail. Military personnel vote by mail. I've voted by mail for the past twenty-odd years, never been a problem.

The fact is that, if it was a "safe" state for him like Alabama or Oklahoma, he'd let 'em vote by email, or a fuckin' paper airplane if that's what they wanted. Nobody is fooled by any of this.

But these threats break the law, even if he doesn't follow through on them. This is illegal. This is literally what he got impeached for, what he tried to do to Ukraine.

I know we're all having a larf over Nancy Smash calling out Vagina Neck McJellyroll on his morbid obesity, but personally, I'd feel a hell of a lot better if the third most powerful person in the fucking country stepped up when the law is being shat upon. I know, I know, Murc's Law and all, but this whole "wait till November" super-strategy of theirs ain't worth shit if Fat Elvis is allowed to slap his mushroom on the electoral scale.

The question has never been is he breaking the law?, it's not like he's tried to hide any of it. The real question is who's gonna stop him? As limited as their powers may be, the people who have at least some power and agency in this need to act with some sense of urgency, at every single opportunity.

I mean, for all practical purposes, it's probably all over with anyway. But this time around really is the one last possible chance to preserve what's left. It would be a fine thing if certain people started acting like that was the case, instead of making excuses.

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