Monday, June 01, 2020

Organized Crime

Read this thread, and try to picture the fuckers doing this shit -- shoving old people to the asphalt, shooting teenage girls in the eye with rubber bullets, "lighting up" people for the high crime of sitting on their own front porch -- and tell me they're not thugs and bullies and cowards. Not all cops, nor even most of them, but those cops? Yeah.

Thugs. Bullies. Cowards.




Those guys are neither protecting nor serving. Maybe the protesters should have shown up with Meal Team Six cosplay gear and assault rifles, threatening to lynch their elected representatives. Instead they're completely unarmed, but daring to criticize the people who show no respect to them in the first place, and are beaten and shot. Blinding reporters, launching projectiles at citizens in their own homes, infiltrating crowds in order to agitate and escalate, and give their colleagues an excuse to whup some ass.

And it's no surprise or coincidence that many of the same people who supported the rights of heavily-armed slobs to threaten and terrorize because DURR MUH HAIRCUT are insisting that these protesters must do what they're told. Certain people have to obey and comply, even if they're protesting peacefully and avoiding confrontation. See how that works?

On the positive side, Dear Leader now has something other than photos of his eldest daughter to jerk off to, while he cowers in his bunker. Like all fake tough guys, he loves this shit -- makes him feel like a big man without actually having to do anything or endanger himself, just like his entire life.

The endorsement between him and the paramilitary thugs is mutual. He literally told them to get rough with suspects, and they literally cheered him at the prospect. That actually happened, and we all saw the video. Each gives -- no, encourages -- the other to indulge in their worst impulses, completely unrestrained, unconcerned about anyone else's rights, in a country that can't lecture the rest of the world often enough about how all its inhabitants are created equal.

We've all heard the anecdotes over the years about how the high-octane grifters in the financial suites go to watch movies like The Wolf of Wall Street or The Big Short, and inevitably side with the thieves and looters, the moral monsters. Consider that we are currently being run by the people who watched, say, the Star Wars movies, and sided with the Empire. I'm putting it into a pop-culture metaphor to make it slightly more palatable, but the point is dead serious. Consider the sort of person who looks at a clear moral example in a universally known entertainment commodity, still decides to align themselves with the unmistakable bad guys, and now give that person unlimited power.

As I've been saying recently, when people talk about "saving America," they need to really think in granular detail about all that. Save what, and for whom, and how? There's a lot more to all that than just getting rid of Trump and his vile lackeys in the Senate. That's just the absolute bare minimum to start on what will be a generational project. Drumming violent fascists and racists out of public service employment is going to take a concerted effort for a number of years. They're like cockroaches -- if you see one on your floor, there's probably a nest in the wall.

Urban police forces are making it clear to all of us, whether we live in the cities or not, that they intend to behave like occupying armies. This is not an issue of "training" -- this is their training. Too many of them have been looking forward to something like this, the chance to beat or kill a libturd or hippie, and too few of them have the courage to speak out or resist or even just find another line of work, to walk away from the prospect of murdering the citizens you're supposed to be protecting.

The "few bad apples" theory doesn't work if the supposed majority of good apples never make any effort to clean up the barrel.

Nothing will be done about any of this. Anyone still counting themselves a Republicon is all-in. They support fascism and authoritarianism, no matter how they might verbally demur or rationalize all this. They're good with it. This is what they want. Democrats, on the other hand, are terrified at the possibility of ever being seen as even a micron off-target with being "law and order" or whatever you want to call it. If we can't beat peaceful, unarmed protesters, how can we hold the line against MS-13? That sort of thing.

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