Thursday, July 09, 2020

A Serious Man

This disjointed, rambling "interview" with 'murka's most notorious celeb mental patient -- well, he's not a "patient" in the sense of actually receiving treatment, but he's clearly ill and needs help -- reminds me of a "prediction" I made in October 2018, when Yeezus H. Christ first put the dunce cap on his peanut-headed self:
It wouldn't surprise me in the least if a year or two passed and he and that hobbit he's married to publicly change their minds about their elderly oompa-loompa friend.
Okay, it wasn't that difficult of a prediction, more like "water is wet" or "Kim Kardashian has one or more venereal diseases," but there it is all the same.

Here's another observation, prediction, call it what you will: even if West got the help he needs, whether that therapy or medication or some combination, he would still be an insufferable, narcissistic asshole, dumber than a bag of dicks, able only to externalize his many deep-seated daddy issues. Much like his ludicrous orange friend.

And frankly, West's sales pitch for being chief executive is not worse -- or even all that different -- from Trump's, the same sort of tedious, self-serving free-form prattle. He makes Sarah Palin sound like Marilyn Vos Savant.

This is a good example of why there has always been a sideline of attacking idiotic "cultural" figures in this blog over the years -- not as some misguided chacun à son goût trash talk, but to point out that frequently the doofuses that we elevate in our collective mindless escapism have more of an effect than just the shitty music they produce, or the shitty reality teevee shows they squeeze out of their stanky butt-cheeks and onto our unsuspecting airwaves.

Some of them end up lodging themselves in just enough crania, like the attention-sucking ticks they are, to affect how people make more important decisions. That's why you saw the Duck Dynasty assholes endorsing the orange slob in 2016 (and probably this year). You and I might not give two shits about anything they say or do, but plenty of people did and do. (To be fair, none of those people were going to vote for Hillary Clinton in the first place, nor will they vote for Joe Biden.)

That's not to say that Kanye West's "campaign," if he even bothers to actually file paperwork, is anything worth noting or being concerned about. Anyone who would seriously vote for him wasn't going to vote for Biden either. But as I've said for at least a few election cycles now, elections are no longer a referendum on the incumbent, or any of that conventional wisdom crap -- they're a referendum on us, on ourselves, on each other, on what kind of society we really are, versus what we pretend to be or what we think we want to be.

So is popular culture, in some respects. Garbage in, garbage out.

In the meantime, anyone who's giving West any of their time or money, just as with his orange daddy, they're part of the fucking problem. The media who continue to give them exposure and amplify their toxic foolishness, also part of the problem.

Forget the "cancel culture" nonsense -- this is cancer culture, and it's going to be the death of us all if we don't shape the hell up and stop giving these vile people oxygen.

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