Thursday, July 30, 2020

Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes

I had been wondering earlier in the week if Herman Cain, who had been hospitalized since shortly after attending Orange Foolius' COVID rally in Tulsa last month, was getting better or worse. After four or five weeks, you assume worse, especially when it's a seventy-four-year-old cancer survivor.

And of course, Cain passed away this morning, which is sad and unnecessary, but also entirely on-brand. Not only was Herman Cain a gaping asshole just as standard operating procedure, he made a point of being as much like Trump as possible -- which is to say, as defiantly ignorant and oppositional as he could. This is how it worked out for him.

So neither gloating nor mourning is really in order, since in the end Cain was just another dopey conservaturd whose main mission in life was to tweak stoopid libruls. Alrighty then, buddy. CONSIDER ME PWNED. Go ahead and push up some daisies.

No, if there is any useful salient point to be gleaned from the somewhat premature death of Herman Cain it is this:  he literally gave his life for someone who doesn't even pretend to give a shit. Okay? That's really all there is to it. As far as Trump is concerned, Cain is just another schmuck who bought the farm. Like the other 150,000 or so, it doesn't matter. You could stick another zero or two zeroes to that number, and Trump's reaction would be exactly the same. He doesn't care. He doesn't even pretend to care. Every single Tulsa attendee could die on camera tomorrow and it really wouldn't matter to him.

It's difficult to recognize, much less internalize, that extreme level of sociopathic indifference. But it's important to see it for what it is. Whatever you think of the COVID outbreak, whether you're in the bunker or you think it's a hoax, know this -- it could be a hundred times worse, more aggressive and virulent, like something out of 28 Days Later, and he still wouldn't care. Imagine that for a minute, and then understand it as an empirical fact.

Keep that in mind as we head into the school year. They clearly don't give a shit about the kids, the teachers, the school staff, the crazy logistics involved in just trying to keep everyone safe. That's not snark, it's not an exaggeration. They don't fucking care. At all. They clearly resent even being asked to go through the motions of pretending.

That's the choice, as we head into the homestretch of this dystopian nightmare election year -- you're either good with a death cult running things, or you're not. Everything else is secondary to that cold fact. So either show up, or live with it.


  1. So Congresscritter Louie "The Louche" Gohmert has now tested positive for the virus. If I am reading it correctly, he still got on the plane with THE THING. Am I a bad person for hoping he did a little SPREADING while on said plane?


    “ After decades of spreading stupidity at a super-human clip, Rep. Louie Gohmert is now doing his best to spread a deadly virus.

    The Texas Republican tested positive for COVID-19 on Wednesday prior to joining President Trump aboard Air Force One for a trip to Texas, where the pandemic is currently wreaking havoc on the state’s residents.

    Now, this was an understandably confusing turn of events for Gohmert. He was probably pretty excited to join the president on a trip to his home state, and certainly didn’t expect to test positive for a virus he clearly hadn’t been taking very seriously. Until recently, the 66-year-old congressman steadfastly refused to wear a mask, claiming that he’d wear one only if he tested positive. That changed recently, kind of, and in an interview with a Texas radio station after testing positive on Wednesday, Gohmert called the result “ironic” because “in the last week or two I have worn a mask more than I have in the whole last four months.”

    Gohmert found the result so ironic, in fact, that he questioned whether it was a coincidence at all. Maybe, he wondered, it was the act of wearing a mask itself that gave him COVID. After informing his social media followers on Wednesday that though “the reports of my demise” are premature, “apparently I have the Wuhan [sic] virus,” Gohmert expounded on this fresh bit of galaxy-brain hypothesizing...."

  2. Gohmert is drooling proof that stupidity is far more contagious than any virus. I'm honestly surprised he didn't opt for "kung flu," it would have been much more on-brand for him.
