Thursday, August 06, 2020

Useful Idiot

Let's thump the deceased equine one last time for good measure -- if you're buying his music, or his clothes, or any of the other cheap, shitty garbage marketed by Kanye or his hobbit wife or her horrid grubby family, you're part of the fucking problem.

No doubt every country has this to some level, but this country seems to have a special knack for making household names out of utter mediocrities, of taking complete shitheads and turning them into millionaires or presidents, just by getting morons to repeat their names and take sides on their inanities.

Like I've said before, West is to "music" what Trump is to "politics" -- an elevated fraud, a shameless charlatan who's never had the benefit of an honest appraisal or conversation. Despite my usual nods to metal and hard rock, I actually do listen to a lot of modern electronic music as well, and there's tons of unknown players on YouTube that are a hundred times as talented as West has ever thought of. Which is fine -- if people want to waste their money and time listening to sonic garbage and following the exploits of a garbage human being, that's their prerogative.

But now he's meddling, because he has incurable daddy issues, and his current daddy figure "blessed" him with millions of dollars, between tax breaks and PPP loans to his "fashion" line. He's been paid off, and now he's lending a hand in return.

Yeah, Joe Taxpayer, you're putting your hard-earned tax dollars into Kanye West's buttless chaps and plain white tee-shirts, or whatever the fuck he wears and sells. You like apples?

It's interesting that over the past year or so there are these "rumors" floated about West's supposed mental instability. Ordinarily one would express sympathy, but frankly, even if he really is clinically bipolar, I couldn't care less. It's not his main problem anyway -- his main problem is that he's a spoiled asshole, and his dipshit fan club won't stop enabling his vainglorious nonsense. Welp, enjoy the consequences, folks, because you've certainly asked for them. He's not being "tricked," he knows that the hell he's doing.

It's unlikely that West's stunt candidacy will have any tangible effect on the election outcome, assuming we're even allowed to have an election, and that it isn't rendered pointless by Trump's open cheating, stealing, and meddling. But that's not the point -- the point is that given the circumstances and the stakes, he has the potential to be enough of a distraction to affect things.

And West just doesn't care. It's all a big game to him, just like it was to Trump. Every article covering him is one that could have covered Biden, a flawed but serious person who might actually save some lives, just by not being completely incompetent and morally empty. There are serious people who understand the serious challenges ahead, and have real ideas about how to get things done. Forty million people out of work, millions about to get evicted, plague blowing through the country and about to barrel through the public school system, here's ol' Fuckface Junior yanking his dick in Forbes magazine again. Fuck them and fuck him.

Seriously, what a king-sized piece of shit he is. Somebody needs to break it to him that Jesus thinks he's a ludicrous asshole who needs to take his filthy money and just fuck off forever. By the time his kids get old enough to realize what a useless scumbag he really is, he'll be bribing the hell out them just to stay in the room with him.

One of the longest-running themes I've maintained over the years in here is my firm, serious belief that reality teevee is a cancer, pure and simple. All you need to do is look at the sweaty, jabbering muppet encased behind the concentric security barriers recently erected around the people's house, and take that as proof.

Reality teevee is useless and corrosive, and its operational dynamic has been to deliberately stoke the worst out of people, for the empty amusement of bored strangers. It's for people who would otherwise be binging on porn and Faces of Death, but don't have the guts. But it's the same ethos as those types of "entertainment" -- the arch contrivances of porn combined with the nervous frisson of the snuff film. And it's permeated the fabric of this country, turned otherwise sensible people into slack-jawed idiots, and spawned a new generation of "influencers" who don't actually do anything but function as walking billboards for the followers of their mini-cults.

I mean, we all know Idiocracy was a documentary, but people have forgotten that They Live was also a documentary. Put the fuckin' sunglasses on.

Come to think of it, Kanye West is exactly the chief executive this hollowed-out husk richly deserves. Bottoms up, America.

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