Thursday, September 03, 2020

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

If the Pelosi salon thing lasts longer than twenty-four hours in the endless spin cycle, then this hollowed-out husk of a state deserves to go under, full stop. In the meantime, "I got set up" is maybe not the killer defense Pelosi seems to think it is.

Jesus. [puts palm to forehead, pinches nose, exhales slowly through nose for what seems like an eternity] Jesus H. Christ, people. How the hell, at this point in this infernal game, do the words "perfomative" and "kayfabe" not register with some of these people? There is no need to apologize, or explain, or demur or aver or any of the other cheap lawyer word-games these people play.

Since Trump wasted no time in latching on to this nonsense, all Pelosi needed to do was dump the whole thing in his lap:
Considering just last week Trump had hundreds of people on the White House lawn, clustered and maskless, and spent most of that week racking up dozens of Hatch Act violations, and just yesterday committed a felony and yet another in a long line of impeachable offenses by encouraging voter fraud in North Carolina, maybe he's not the right person to be lecturing anyone else on adhering to regulations. If I committed an infraction or violated an ordinance in getting my hair done, I'll pay the fine and just hire an individual to come to my house next time. In the meantime, you people need to get your fucking priorities straight.
But no, she took this stupid thing both seriously and literally, and so felt compelled to respond in kind. It's difficult to imagine that there are many people left at this point waiting for another reason to vote Democratic, and even fewer whose motivation hinges on the behavior of Nancy Pelosi. But there are a lot of people who would be more motivated to vote Democratic if they just once showed some spine and told their bullies in no uncertain terms to go fuck themselves.

This is not that fucking hard, people. Quit falling for the kayfabe. Stop legitimizing their bullshit as if it's real. Remind them that he won't show his tax returns because he's a fucking criminal. Remind them that they had to drape a fifty-yard tarp over a battleship ramp when he visited yesterday, because he's an infirm codger who can't walk a ramp or hold a glass of water.

I mean, we're not just talking about the Speaker of the House here, we're talking about someone who's held her seat for over thirty years, and usually wins at 3:1 or 4:1 ratios or higher. It's not like she's in a competitive race. And she's eighty years old, so hopefully nearing retirement hint hint.

It's irritating when people -- especially politicians -- who have absolutely nothing to lose play their hand as if there's something to lose. Lady, nobody outside the booger-eating cultists give two shits about your salon visit, so don't even waste the dignity of a fart on it.

At this point, what motivates voters is not "norms" or "decorum" or even ideas and policy positions, it's the understanding that you'll fight, and not put up with ridiculous bullshit. So hey, let's try that.

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