Thursday, September 10, 2020

Unindicted Co-Conspirators

I get what Martin is saying here, and agree with it as far as it goes. But this election is no longer a referendum on Trump and his motley band of dumbfellas. It's a referendum on us, pure and simple. As exhausting as the toddler-in-chief's daily poop-throwing has been, at least there's a perverse core of sense in it. It's in his rational self-interest for him to do the things he does, so he can keep laundering bratva money, looting the treasury, keep his worthless ass out of prison, etc. It sucks, but at least you can draw a thread of rationality to why he does what he does.

It's the rest of the animals in the zoo -- not just the people who work for him, whether at the State Spartment or at Fox News; but the Republicon congress-weasels who worked their way into their offices back when Trump was a broke clown between trophy wives; the Democrat congress-weasels whose worst nightmare is saying anything that might be objectionable to some pearl-clutching idiot in the midwest; and most of all, the broke-ass redneck derelicts who have nothing to gain and everything to lose, and would rather cut their own throats so they can trade retarded Fakebook memes with the dopes they dropped out of high school with. That last group does it all for free.

So that's what this is really all about -- if there really are more of us than them, if we are actually gonna show up in sufficient numbers, if this country is going to be worth a plug nickel in the coming years. There is still hope for that, but not much confidence or trust. And a lot of that is because of that collective hypocrisy, stupidity, chimp-menace grin masking a pinched, ugly, brutal view of the world, people who happy to rent themselves out in order to make that view reality, people who do it just for the fun of it.

Whatever is in store, the election is the beginning of it, not the end or even a step. It's a new era, either a descent into full fascism or an attempt to repudiate it. In the latter case, it will take real work and commitment from the people we elect to office, not mealy-mouthed gestures and puling plaints.

Turns out some people really do just want to watch the world burn. Well, it's burning -- here in the State of Jefferson, I haven't seen the sky for the better part of six weeks or so. There are huge fires up and down the entire west coast, thanks to that tricksy hoax from the sneaky Chinee. And no one's doing a goddamned thing about it, so we're about to find out just how many of those "watch it all burn" folks there really are.

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