Thursday, October 15, 2020

Deep Thought #2

I'd be happy to #BoycottNBC, but aside from Sunday night football, I never watch it. I couldn't name three shows on that network if you put a gun to my head.

That said, I mean, come on. Just what do you think is going to happen when this demented, drug-addled, still-contagious dotard is wheeled out to try his schtick on a crowd that is not comprised of his usual gaggle of booger-eating shitheads? The odds of this convincing a single person to vote for him, who wasn't already balls-deep in the cult, is about the same as the odds he'll read Infinite Jest over the holidays.


  1. I dunno. I'm not gonna count my electoral chickens until he's led out of the White House and they change all the key codes.

  2. Hey man, long time no see! How's life?

    I'm cautiously optimistic, but you're right -- I won't fully believe it until the inauguration, and even then it's going to be an uphill struggle.

  3. Even the inauguration won't convince me. It's only after that ceremony that the prez gets the house keys. I'll wait to see who sits behind the desk. ;)

    I'm doing okay - better than I deserve, truth be told. Check your email - I sent a little how-do-you-do.
