Tuesday, November 03, 2020


I think there have been instances in the past where I've indulged in some Kanye West smackdown, and some commenters have thought I'm kidding or riffing.

Folks, if you believe nothing else I've ever written in here over the past fifteen years or so, believe this:  I am not kidding. In fact, I'm toning it down. It's not just that West is an overrated no-talent hack, that I've literally seen randos on YouTube crank out better music just messing around. It's that he's a tiresome, insufferable piece of shit as a human being.

Here he is voting for the first time, for himself (of course), and nothing else. No down-ballot candidates, nothing. Keep in mind Kanye West is forty-three years old. But he's every bit as narcissistic and solipsistic as his ridonkulous orange daddy.

Fuck him. He deserves to be rendered destitute. I feel sorry for his offspring, but considering their parents and their start in life, I have no doubt they'll be just as bad long before they even hit puberty. I hope when they reach adulthood and realize who and what their parents really are, they reject everything about them and go and carve their own meaningful niches in life. Which is also my hope for Barron Trump.

The people who willingly give this asshole their money, whether for his shitty music or his hundred-twenty-dollar tee-shirts or whatever, are every bit as deluded and pathetic as the fucktards driving around with giant Trump flags. They are not working nearly hard enough for their money, or they'd have some goddamned respect for it.

Clearly the coronavirus needs to be more selective.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure if you saw this lovely event.

