Thursday, December 03, 2020

Happy Kempers

As irony goes, this is pretty much "crystallize it, crush it, chop it, snort it, and stay up for a month" grade shit:  Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, who as Secretary or State rigged the 2018 election that put him in the governor's seat, is now getting death threats from his own party (as well as open harassment from Dear Leader himself) for -- you guessed it -- not rigging the 2020 election in favor of Kim Don Ill. Call it Stacey Abrams' revenge, call it what you will, this is brilliant, on-brand, if-you-put-it-in-the-script-they'd-laugh-it-out-of-the-room plot management.

And now Kemp and current SoS Brad Raffensperger and vote-suppression factotum Gabriel Sterling are all taking turns at the mike and whinging, with no self-awareness whatsoever, about how terrible and unfair it is that these toxic mutants they empowered have turned on them. Turns out that dangerous mow-rons are just that, and now they're holding street rallies calling Raffensperger and company traitors, with all the actions and consequences such phrasing implies. Turns out words mean things.

Remember the old saying that tragedy is when it happens to you, and comedy is when it happens to someone else? Yeah. They thought it was high-larry-us when libturds were crying and scared. Now, not so much.

Watching these crybabies go on and on about the ugly, scummy shitheads they encouraged for years gives me a chub that would slice through a brick wall. Fuck every one of these people. This is what they asked for; watching them get it with both barrels should bring us all exuberant joy, just in time for Christmas. Seasons beatings, motherfuckers!

This is not to say that death threats are justified or that anyone deserves to be harmed, let's be clear about that. But these are, after all, high-ranking gubmint officials. They have power to pursue recourse against such individuals. They don't just have to sit there and huddle in a corner and wait for it to become real.

So prosecute the scumbags, threaten them with jail time, get them fired from their jobs, etc. Make an example of them, and make it hurt. Otherwise, I don't what to tell you. But just like the militia clowns who plotted to kidnap and murder Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, there are concrete legal solutions to this problem.

There's a few things about this "stealing the election" nonsense that need to be set straight, on the MSM with a bullhorn if necessary:  obviously for Trump this is just another cheap, transparent grift; he's raised $170M since the election for this, and he can do pretty much whatever he wants with the money. (He's gonna need it for defense lawyers over the next couple years.) Republicon pols, of course, know better, but since they are emboldened by not getting the down-ticket ass-kicking last month that they knew they deserved, are still content to hedge their bets, knowing there is no percentage in unnecessarily agitating their zombie basetards.

As for said basetards? There's the real trick, and this is what needs to be broadcast the loudest:  they don't actually care about the integrity of the process. They would have been fine with wide-open cheating, so long as it gave them the results they wanted.

That's why they're entranced by these ridiculous antics spearheaded by Rudy Ghouliani and Jenna Ellis and Sydney Powell, these jokers that aren't even qualified to chase ambulances with a park bench ad, producing "witnesses" that aren't sworn in (because they'd go to jail for perjury) to attest to things that never happened. They don't care that Rudy is a drunk and a clown who has zero evidence for any of his assertions, that he's pulling all of this nonsense out of his ass and getting chewed out by judge after judge for it -- even judges appointed by Dear Leader.

It's a key feature of this whole dynamic we've watched unfold over the past five years, as we've all tried to make sense of "epistemic bubbles" and all the behavioral psych explanations for what parents of every bratty two-year-old already knows:  baby just wants his way, he doesn't care how he gets it.

And rewarding bad behavior just gets more of the same. It's long past high time that the people that enabled this nonsense in the first place learn that lesson themselves, good and hard. Don't worry, after all is said and done, they will have learned absolutely nothing from any of it.


  1. Good to see you back, Heywood!

    I actually expected the rest of Hezbollah/ God's Own Party) to fall in line completely with the election theft. I am a little shocked that even Trump appointees are showing just a tad independence. Maybe they realize that Trump is done and it will be more effective to implement a corrupt kleptocratic Gilead with someone...sane and competent? (I agree with Norman Solomon, though. Trump's incompetence may have saved us from a hot shooting war in, say, Iran. Will Good Ol' Joe be more willing to listen to the War Pigs? That is my biggest fear. As the economy continues to stagger and COVID to spread, Joe B may see a nice little war as a good way to unite the country)

    Stay safe. My landlady is letting her ne'er do well son visit this month. Damn, I hope he is not infected!

  2. Remember the old saying that tragedy is when it happens to you, and comedy is when it happens to someone else? Yeah. They thought it was high-larry-us when libturds were crying and scared. Now, not so much.

    When the monster awakens, it doesn't care if you are the doctor, the constable, or just another villager with a pitchfork. It rages and attacks all for the sin of bringing to life an abomination.

  3. Hey Brian,

    The window is definitely closing at the end of this month, but there will be a few more posts between now and then, including a pretty lengthy one (aren't they all?) in about a week or so.

    You make some good points. Even though I have no sympathy for them, it is mildly and pleasantly surprising to see some straight-up Trump minions do the right thing for once, at a very real cost to them personally and professionally. I suspect that if it came down to just a single state, though, we'd be seeing a drastically different result. Obviously, what little ethical base these people possess is completely situational.

    Not that I don't enjoy the ongoing spectacle of Rudy trotting out a bunch of drunk dingbats as "witnesses" to election theft while he hotboxes Jenna Ellis with his Maalox farts, but the incoming admin will really have their work cut out for them just in retaining sufficient legitimacy to function effectively. As ludicrous as the spectacle has been, the cult are buying it. Which means, on the one hand, that war with Iran (or anyone else) seems not only unlikely but out of the question, but on the other, that Biden will be seriously constrained by Gooper traitors to help any non-wealthy Americans. So he'll just look weak and ineffective.

    I would be much more concerned that an extended Covid resurgence -- and the economic damage wrought from the necessary containment responses -- may embolden and strengthen the "militia" creeps who seem to be itching to start some shit. I don't see them going door-to-door like Central American death squads, but since they see every politician out of lockstep with them as full-on traitors, pols along the spectrum from AOC to Dan Crenshaw are going to be looking over their shoulders.

    Ultimately, it really does come down to the GA senate runoffs, both of which are almost certain to be close enough to be contested for a while. How it shakes out at least gives a sense of the direction.

    The first half of 2021 is going to get worse no matter what; the real question is what the second half and beyond will look like. Hard to think about specifics, but generally, I think this is going to be a real decade of decline for the US.

    Hope you stay safe as well. We're stocked up on food through January at least, and as I've mentioned before, I have a big, isolated office and I see very few people face-to-face at work (and all are masked). So we're lucky, while being acutely aware that most are not.

  4. Say hey Mr. J,

    Just a couple things that I'm finding myself overwhelmingly compelled to state for the record (which I am attributing to my failure eulogize at each and every one of the handful wakes that I have had the pleasure of attending and the nagging regret that will haunt me until it's my turn to be the non impetus for my friends, so to not speak.) I guess what I'm saying is if I start to sound a little crazy and poorly punctuated, it was the dead people what done it.

    Considering that this is not a wake, I'm giving it a shot; <~~ the deads is already starting to punctuate for me... Anyway, enough bullshitting.

    Finding a blog update made my effing day. And, as always, I found myself saying, "abso-effing-lutely!"
    “This guy says the shit that I’m thinking!” It’s kind of scary because surely that’s what MAGAts are saying when trump excretes one of his blatantly infrahuman giant pantloads of wisdom whilst posing like Doucholini . (This is more of a statement about myself than it is you, of course. And I apologize for any inference of similarity where obviously none exists. In other words; much respect….wow that was a close one)

    Anyway, fear not, the rant is winding down now, but, I will leave you with a couple of closing thoughts.

    Good to see you back. I kind of just figured it might be a really long time or never again, which I was prepared for. But it wasn't, so I get to subject you to this beauty. Thx for that and you’re welcome for this.

    Sucks that "Hamma time" will be gone soon. I aint mad... It's just another thing that I got to just barely catch the end of, as it was ceasing to exist. That's the world in a nutshell. At least you’re going out on your terms. Quite admirable IMO.

    I look forward to whatever you've got left in you , including the grand chingaso. I’m sure it will not disappoint.

    Oh yeah, regarding Georgia: If the wife of the stock exchange can't buy her way to victory I will be pleasantly surprised and in a way my faith in sub-humanity might be somewhat restored infra dig style. Who knows, "even a blind squirrel can find the kool-aid twice a day" (New faux news slogan.)

    If we can stay safe for roughly a month or two until the chip implants are available, we've got it made. /s

    Don't let your meat loaf.

    Adios Compadre
    (P.S. I'm better at cursing and name calling when it comes to spanish, but I think that's what I meant to say, if not it wuz the deads wut made me say it wrong.).

    Dough Nation

  5. Sorry for that turd of a post, I will not be offended if you just delete it. lol Using tor and google fought me for 10 minutes. You get the gist.

    Dough Nation

  6. Craig:

    When the monster awakens, it doesn't care if you are the doctor, the constable, or just another villager with a pitchfork. It rages and attacks all for the sin of bringing to life an abomination.

    So true. At this point, the only question is how long it takes to sort things out. I doubt any of us are at all optimistic about the timeline.

  7. Hey Dough Nation:

    That was definitely not a "turd of a post." I like being the guy that says the shit people are thinking. I mean, you're right about how that's the basic dynamic between Trump and his cult, but the difference is that I don't ask my cult to go out and endanger themselves and everyone else.

    I will, however, have to ask for all of your money. For my legal fund, with which I am saving 'murka.

    Beer is also welcome.
