Sunday, January 02, 2005

2004....Good Times

Some days you just wake up and wish you could have a do-over. The entire last year was like that, wasn't it? That hell-in-a-handbasket feeling that washes over everything.

Most of that feeling emanates from the current government; it's hard to engender any sort of good vibes in such a cynical, venal lot. But it's trickled down to much of the general culture. It's all well and good to have freedom of choice and just turn off the TV, or don't go to the movies, but at what point do you end up divorcing yourself from the popular culture? Who the hell wants to do that except pipe-smoking profs with elbow-patches on their tweed jackets, who still haven't gotten around to marrying their hairy-armpit girlfriends after 20+ years?

Anyway, here's to 2005 being a turnaround year, in all respects.


  1. If you're hanging out in the popular culture, no wonder you're feeling glum, dull, and useless.

    Get away from it, it's a total downer.

    Go to Church - what an upper, what a place of happiness. I guarantee you'll walk out feeling a lot differently than you felt before you walked in the door.

    So with the Church and the Republican Party - what an upper! Go4it.

    And if you're listening to Democrats, ugh - what a waste of time. The only thing they tell you is that the world is rotten and human beings are rotten. Run from them as fast as you can.

    Get to the Republicans, they have great plans for the future, and you can be part of making the world a better place where a man can show off his talents and shine like a star.

  2. I wouldn't say "glum, dull, and useless". That's certainly not any frame of mind I've been in. I find myself somewhat mind-boggled by the venality and cynicism of this administration, and I find many of the same qualities reflected in much of popular culture. That's all.

    One doesn't have to be awash in the culture to be aware of it, or comment upon it.

    I've been a church-goer, and a Republican, in the past. I pretty much hit a wall in both those areas long ago. That doesn't mean that there isn't some value to each, though.

    This was the first election where I voted for a Democratic candidate for president. Generally I've split the ticket more or less down the middle in the past, or voted third-party. Always the person, never the party.

    I do not think Bush provides competent, honest leadership. I do not think the Republican Party does anymore, either. I think they were a very effective buffer to Clinton in the '90s, but now they seem to think they are special. I do think the Democratic Party is a competent opposition party at this point.

    I will elaborate on all these things episodically. Thanks for your comments.

  3. Oops. That last part should have been that I do NOT think that the Democratic Party has been an effective opposition.

  4. The Bush Administration consists of moral, compassionate, experienced, highly competent, responsible leaders such as the President, the Vice President, and the entire Cabinet. How can you construe them to be as you state -- utterly immoral and worthless?

    The denigration of the Republican Administration comes straight from the mouths of those who advocate murdering defenseless babies via abortion, murdering ill elderly people via euthanasia, and taking away your money to give it to some slob who won't work.

    And let's have John F. Kerry -- a man who is so vile and vulgar that his middle initial has been commonly made into "Effen" -- well, let's have him go to a solider with an amputated arm and internal injuries from fierce battles for freedom in foreign lands, well, yes, let's have John Effen Kerry tell that brave soldier that he, John F. deserved 3 medals, among which are medals for a grain of rice that got stuck in his butt and one is for a scratch no deeper than that made by a rose thorn.

    Sorry, my friend, the Democratic Party is entirely corrupt. You've been fooled by them, as have many. Please enlighten yourself.

  5. Anonymous, how can you construe this administration to be "competent" and "responsible"? They haven't taken responsibility for any of their many mistakes -- indeed, they either promote them (Rice), or give them medals. And you denigrate Kerry's medals as about George Tenet's?

    "The denigration of the Republican Administration comes straight from the mouths of those who advocate murdering defenseless babies via abortion, murdering ill elderly people via euthanasia, and taking away your money to give it to some slob who won't work."

    You know, this is fairly typical of much of the discourse I've engaged in over the past seven years in various discussion fora. It's unfortunate, because I certainly don't "advocate" any of those things (there is a difference between actively advocating and accepting as the lesser of two evils....more on those specific issues in the future), nor do most sensible people. The fundamental belief that one's opponents automatically indulge in pre-supposed positions sort of limits the scope of the debate.

    This administration operates with complete impunity, never acknowledging error, nor even correcting it most of the time. That has nothing to do with it being a Republican administration. Corruption is not necessarily endemic to either particular party; indeed, it seems to be part and parcel of how both of them tend to operate.

  6. What a fun place! Just got here via, let's see ... on some 'arch nemesis' thread ... anyway, it looks to me like 2005 has almost given us what you asked for: A Turnaround Year.

    Great work in answering these early beastly posters.

    Think I'll sorta catch up and maybe hang around!
