Sunday, January 02, 2005

The BCS and its Discontents

Since I live in Northern CA (or as they want us to refer to it now, "Upstate California" -- come spend your tourist euros with us!), I'd been pulling for the Cal Bears to get that Rose Bowl berth, and was soundly disappointed when Texas Longhorns coach Mack Brown successfully lobbied his team's way into the #4 slot, and the coveted berth.

This disappointment was further compounded when Cal got steamrolled by a supposedly inferior Texas Tech team in the Holiday Bowl. It's one thing to get hosed out of a prime playoff game, it's another to let your more vocal defenders look like chumps for talking you up so much.

So of course I was pulling for Michigan yesterday, because Texas didn't belong there. Everybody knew it, the fans, the players, the know, everybody.

Everybody except the Texas Longhorns. They came and played like a team with something to prove, and they did, overcoming a 10-point deficit in the 4th quarter to squeak out a last-second field goal to win. Oh hell, why am I giving a recap -- we all saw the same damned game. You know what happened.

So anyway, congratulations to the Texas Longhorns. Y'all done good. Vince Young kicked ass and took names.

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