Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Great Moments In Slack-Jawed Yokel History

So I place my order at the menu at the Burger King drive-up, an' I go 'round the little curve, on up to the main window, where I'm about fourth in line. I can see through the window, an' there's a couple of girls. I think they reckanize me from when I was cruisin' the high school there a few days back. Hey girls! Yeah, it's me. Don't let the chips in the paint fool ya -- the interior's got new dingleballs, if ya know what I mean.

So I'm waitin', an' waitin', an' I feels a bit of somethin' in my left nostril. So I'm on auto-pilot, see, and I just lets loose with, you know, an Okie blow, what Granny useta call a "Farmer Ted". It's like second nature at this point.

And it splats 'gainst the window, an' it looks just like the numeral "3". Like Earnhardt, y'know? I recollect that thing with that goat, a few years back, right after The Intimidator passed. Remember that, with the "3" birthmark on the side of the goat, and all the people came to see him? Like that.

An' I know it wasn't just me, 'cause the girls see it too. The "3". Yeah, I know, I cain't believe it neither, ladies. They'll never wash that window again, like the Virgin Mary appearin' or somethin'....Hey! Where you goin', girls? Oh, right, you prob'ly best get yer camera an' take a photo of this 'un, 'cause it could drip later and start lookin' like a "8".

I'll be waitin' right here.

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