Tuesday, January 04, 2005

The Liberal Media Strikes Yet Again

Iraq mess hall bomber a Saudi

So. Once again, a mass killer of Americans turns out to be Saudi. Good thing we're stopping this in Iraq.

As always, there's more:

The al-Ghamdis are a large Saudi clan, three members of which were among the Sept. 11 hijackers.

Beautiful. So have we or the Saudis cracked down at all on this clan? Shouldn't every male adult in this clan be thoroughly interrogated? Should we consider punitive action, like the Israelis do when they get hit by a suicide bomber? You know, bulldoze the asshole's house at least, so his family thinks twice about his sainted martyrdom?

Like many people, I have a lot of misgivings about this war, in theory and in execution. But this is an instance that demands a certain amount of retributive action.

Finally, in keeping with the post title, why has this not been reported at all in the American media?

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