Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Stupid Bastards

Well, the highly-publicized Ohio congressional race between Iraq War vet Paul Hackett and corrupt shithouse rat Jean Schmidt ended, as most real-world elections seem to these days -- with the shithouse rat vote prevailing. Nice going, douchebags, so much for supporting the troops. It's not as if we didn't all know that that's just talk anyway. But shame on you all the same.

The good news is that in an area that generally runs about 70% Republican, Schmidt won 52-48. Still, 52% of these inbreds thought that the crazy bitch who trashed her opponent's war record and flat-out lied about it was a better choice than the guy who went to defend his country. Supposedly that's the most important, most honorable thing possible, or so we keep hearing from the professional pontificators.

As with the presidential election, the voting booth tells the truth, courtesy of Diebold. And on a day when six Marine snipers from Ohio were ambushed and murdered in Iraq today....hmmm, seems almost like an omen, doesn't it?

Yeah, Jean Schmidt will do a better job than Paul Hackett like George W. Bush is better than John Kerry (or hell, most Saturday morning cartoons, for that matter) would have been. The one day the yokels should have stayed home and worked on their giant balls of aluminum foil, they go out and legislate their spite and ignorance.

May their kids all get drafted.

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