Monday, August 01, 2005

Workin' Vacation

So I completely gutted the wife's bathroom over the weekend, and now I'm trying to get it all back together (repaint; tile the floor; new light fixture; new vanity/sink/faucet) before I start a new job on Thursday. So this week and next week are going to be pretty slow post-wise. Talk amongst yourselves, check out the archives, maybe even re-read one of the classics. Enjoy.

And at least I -- unlike some supposed leaders of the free world who shall remain nameless (and brainless) -- won't be walking away from lots of world-shattering issues on the table. War, economic distress, famine, unrest? Hell with that, I'm goin' ta Texas in August! Yeah, that sounds like vacation paradise to me, too. If you like the heat, you'll love the humidity.

But hey, as long as Himself believes in both Rafael Palmeiro and Santy Claus, he'll stay that course, with all the same resolute resolve and plasticene demeanor he brings to each and every "fuck you" end-run he does on the appointment process. And you gotta love the balls it takes to insist that a guy with a permanent milk mustache is qualified for anything other than peddling fried chicken. I think we'd have been better off if he'd appointed Michael Bolton to this gig.

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