Friday, November 11, 2005

Back Up And Running

A brief power outage the other day fried my PC power supply and video card. Fuckers. So aside from trying to quickly get up to speed for the upcoming Business Statistics and Managing Human Resources classes, I haven't been able to get on here at all....except, of course, the "occasional" bit of cyberloafing at work (not that we recommend that sort of thing, nosireebob).

Special thanks to the folks at eWiz in San Jose; they went the extra mile to make sure I got my parts before the weekend, and for about $60 less than what they would have cost at Circuit City. No remuneration or compensation is being exchanged for this endorsement; I'm just pleased with their service and prices so I thought I'd give 'em a shout-out.

More trenchant commentary as the weekend progresses.

1 comment:

  1. it happened to me twice - power supply outage on the computer is one of the worst things for the electronic components on the actual motherboard, it can affect all of it's peripherals but the motherboard and even the hard drive many times take some wear
