Sunday, November 06, 2005

The Chilling Effect

From Neva Chonin's excellent weekly column in the Sunday SF Comical comes an interesting tidbit (the final part of the column) which leads to more in-depth coverage of a recent disgusting situation:

Currituck County (NC) High School social studies department chair Selina Jarvis assigned her senior civics and economics classes a project "to take photographs to illustrate their rights in the Bill of Rights." What she and one student got was more than a simple photographic exercise; they got an exercise in why the defense of the Bill of Rights is so important and how, despite its existence, those holding political power can simply ignore it.

She said that one of her students "had taken a photo of George Bush out of a magazine and tacked the picture to a wall with a red thumb tack through his head. Then he made a thumbs down sign with his own hand next to [Bush's] picture, and he had a photo taken of that, and he pasted it on a poster." The idea was to photographically illustrate the right of a person to dissent.

Someone at the Kitty-Hawk Wal-Mart photo lab figured the student had no right to indicate opposition to the Great and Powerful Lord President George W Bush and called the police. The police called the Secret Service. And the Secret Service called on Currituck High School. They took the student's poster and questioned him, then questioned Jarvis.

Jarvis recalls, "They asked me what I knew about the student. I told them he was a great kid, that he was in the homecoming court, and that he d never been in any trouble." Then they asked about the poster. Didn't she think it was suspicious? She responded, "no, it was a Bill of Rights project!"

Pretty sweet, huh? Are these the values we're trying to export to Iraq, and the rest of the Middle East? Is there any wonder why the upcoming generation is getting the fuck out of their hick towns and heading for the relative calm and logic of urban life? Between these fascist fucks and their contraceptive-withholding counterparts at Target, are we starting to get the message yet?

They seem to think it's their country, and they just allow the rest of us heathens to live in it. Is that the case?


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  2. Heywood, you need to do something to put an end to this spam nonsense. It's getting annoying.

    On a different note, maybe you ought to forward this post to the Democratic "leadership" in Washington. Perhaps this will wake them up to what's actually going on under their own fucking noses. And, maybe just for once, they'll stop worrying about redneck teenagers not being able to get their abortions without written consent from Jim Bob and Peggy Sue, and start actually making some noises about what really matters.

    Or could it be that some of them are fascists at heart just as much as their fellow congressmen who part their hair to the right and dress at Men's Wearhouse?

    Joking aside, though, this is some freaky shit. I wonder, should I look into going back to East Europe? Maybe it's safer over there, as a foreigner. If they can do that to an American, imagine what they'd do to me.

    Maybe I should stop leaving comments on liberal blogs?

    Oh, Hoover, where art thou?

