Monday, January 30, 2006

What God Wants

Somebody call the waaahmbulance:

DENMARK faced the full fury of the Muslim world yesterday as a long-simmering row over newspaper cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad finally erupted.

There were street demonstrations and flag-burnings in the Middle East. Libya joined Saudi Arabia in withdrawing its ambassador from Copenhagen. Islamic governments and organisations, including the Muslim Council of Britain, issued denunciations and a boycott of Danish goods took hold across the Muslim world.

Rumor has it they're also petitioning to get Love Monkey taken off the air because a woman's ankle was shown. Fuck, do these people not have anything better to do? If I'm gonna beat on the American Taliban, I'm sure as hell reserving some buckshot for the original variety, possibly the most regressive, illiberal ideology festering on this planet. It's a fucking cartoon! Get a grip already.

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