Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Wankening

Shorter Bullwinkle:

Citizens should not pester their duly elected representatives with legitimate grievances. Oppsition parties should only oppose when it is decorous to do so. Principle is nothing, the image of being principled is everything. Heartland values trump all, even when they objectively translate into the US Senate being populated by the sordid likes of Tom Coburn and Huckleberry Graham.

Whatever makes Bullwinkle think that the Repubs wouldn't have filibustered Clinton in a heartbeat back in the day, if he hadn't run his nominees past Orrin Hatch first, I have no freakin' clue. And why concerned letter-writers on the left are a "fever swamp", while the shithouse rats on the right who spend their time mass-faxing and threatening TV networks over such earth-shattering events as Super Bowl halftime shows and Book of Daniel, they're....well, he never quite gets around to talking about them, no matter what weirdness and idiocy they habitually underwrite. Apparently we're the only non-adults in this tableau.


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