Sunday, May 07, 2006

Good Riddance

Chimpco on the ropes? Maybe there is a God after all (though obviously not a merciful one or He wouldn't have inflicted those locusts on us in the first place):

The recent White House shake-up was an attempt to jump-start the administration and boost President Bush's rock-bottom approval ratings, but have those efforts come too late to salvage the presidency? A prominent GOP pollster thinks that may be the case.

"This administration may be over," Lance Tarrance, a chief architect of the Republicans' 1960s and '70s Southern strategy, told a gathering of journalists and political wonks last week. "By and large, if you want to be tough about it, the relevancy of this administration on policy may be over."

A new poll by RT Strategies, the firm headed by Tarrance and Democratic pollster Thomas Riehle, shows that 59 percent of Americans disapprove of Bush's job performance, while 36 percent approve -- a finding in line with other recent polls.

Tarrance said it would be extremely difficult for any president to bounce back this late in his administration and reassert influence on Capitol Hill when his approval rating barely exceeds his party's base support and half of all adults surveyed said they "strongly disapprove" of his performance. An overwhelming 73 percent of independents disapprove of Bush's performance, and two-thirds of those "strongly disapprove."

It's those independents (which is what I generally state as when asked by pollsters or whatever) that are The Decider's undoing. He's lost them, and they're not coming back unless it's worth their while. And it's simply impossible for Bush to make it worth their while before the midterms. These stupid cultural pushbacks the social conservatives keep engaging in are going to start seeing diminishing returns in the face of very real worldly crises at hand, that the Bushies seem unwilling or unable to resolve in a cogent and timely fashion.

And yes, thus far the Dems have largely kept their own cousel, apparently waiting for further Bushie implosion before they make their move. They need to start inextricably tying all the political albatrosses around the appropriate necks, in much the same manner shills like Mara Liasson continue to spread the lie that Jack Abramoff contributed to both parties. Imagine. The Republicans aren't the least bit shy about pushing blatant lies; the Democrats need to start getting at least that serious about pushing the truth. I've said it a million times, but it still bears repeating -- squeaking by with a win is unacceptable. For the good of the country, the reactionary elements in the government and the (formerly) conservative movement must be weeded out, once and for all. Nothing short of a flat-out ass-kicking (and maybe not even then; these people are amazingly well-funded and organized) will suffice.

Six months goes fast. Tick tock, people.

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