Sunday, May 07, 2006

Whale Of A Tale

Tristero has an excellent take on the story of Bush telling a German newspaper that the highlight of his tenure in office thus far has been catching a 7½ perch in his private stocked lake.

Obviously Bush is trying -- way too hard, per usual -- to be "funny" or "folksy", when no one around him has the balls to be honest enough with him and tell him that he's neither of those things. And, you know, with the current abysmal state of the nation (which he seems blissfully unaware of), one might think he'd be a bit more likely to say something along the lines of trying to rally the nation after 9/11.

Look, Cooter, if brush-clearin' n' fishin' is yer true raisin detruh, as the Fronch say, then just do us all a favor and retire already, and go do those things, before you inflict yet more damage through your ignorance and indifference. Just go. Mosey off to the tumbleweed farm and let us get back to the peace and prosperity we used to have. Seriously. 'Cause I'm tired of this stupid-ass phony Mayberry RFD bullshit.

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