Friday, June 30, 2006

High Noonan

Not to belabor the tragicomic self-immolation of Peggy Noonan's addled brain, but I was distracted from a couple of big-picture points by her unfortunate choice of imagery.

The first clue is right at the outset of the column, where Nooners declares herself a contrarian. I don't have the stomach to ingest her nonsense on any sort of regular schedule, but I have read enough of Noonan's goofy nonsense over the years to know that she's the establishment poster girl, and nothing short of Reagan's shade appearing to her in the midst of a bender will ever change that.

Plus the obvious: people who have to tell you they're contrarians are like people who go to the trouble of telling you they're not gay -- they're desperately full of shit. They're really trying to convince themselves. Soon as they've decided to apprise you of these things, they've already lost the battle. So Peggy Noonan is a contrarian like Dick Cheney is a humanitarian.

Which brings us to our other big beef with Nooners' nonsense (in that column anyway). In the first section of the column, where she's getting her hate on for the Hillarybot and gushing about her lactating codpiece nourishing the troops he's consigned to his poor judgement, Noonan laments Hillary's "lifetime in politics". This is part and parcel of perhaps the most sickeningly patronizing and false Bushie cultist meme of all -- that Bush is just some sort of outsider come inta town ta fix what needs a-fixin'.

Give me a fuckin' break. Bush's first foray into politics was what, 1978? Just because he spent the '80s failing upwards in Daddy's "businesses" doesn't mean he hasn't been an inside man his entire adult life. This is fucking nonsense, and painfully contrived nonsense at that. Only a complete jackass seriously believes that George W. Bush is the Washington outsider he pretends to be.

Which explains a lot about his most devoted followers.

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