Monday, July 03, 2006


There's nothing like a nice long weekend to unplug (as least as close as I am able to do so) and recharge the batteries. We went to Fort Bragg, indulged in fresh fish and microbrew. We saw the makeshift cenotaph in a field next to the highway a few miles north of town. We went to the tidepools and touched sea anemones, and looked out toward the horizon, where the sea meets the sky and goes on forever.

And for that short time, we were reminded that the earth and the ocean absorb all deeds and men, good and bad, just as the rain falls equally on the just and the unjust. It may take a generation or two to undo what our fearless leaders have wrought, but life goes on, and it is our decision whether it trudges along in grim endurance, runs like hell, or paces itself with enough time to observe and appreciate the details.

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