Friday, September 15, 2006

When I'm Wrong

Regular readers -- both of them -- may recall that last month I had the temerity to smackdown Olbermann for what I felt was a developing second-half devotion to sensationalized nonsense and celebrity-watching, however snark-laden. Not that a few Oddball segments aren't a nice palate cleanser, but it was just becoming a bit much, and it seemed to hit its nadir with coverage of John Mark Karr (remember him?).

But here's the thing: on MSNBC, Keith Olbermann seemed really positioned for a while to be grooming a true flagship political show, with informative scoops, knowledgeable guests, and uncompromising commentary. Lately though, it's had a real dead-fish whiff about it, and the second half of each show has essentially dumbassified to a starfucking feedback loop. Olbermann looks like every mention of Tom Cruise or American Idol or now John Mark Karr brings him one step closer to sticking a gun in his mouth. And who could blame him? He didn't get into the business to shovel that kind of shit. Nobody in their right mind would.

Yeah, that's the bit. Well, if I'm gonna kick the guy when he's down, I should also give praise where it's due, and Olbermann has been nothing short of a force of nature since returning from the August doldrums. He must have watched Good Night and Good Luck or something, because his commentary has been profoundly impassioned and informed in a Murrow-esque sensibility. He has clearly made it his mission to spread the word and lay the talking points that the people who run this country are corrupt and mendacious, unprincipled to the core, and that we really don't have to take their shit.

Because the opposition party is still timidly approaching that necessary tenor, it is critical that someone steps up and brings it. Forget "truth to power"; what this country needs is to be motivated out its stupor, and that seems to be what Olbermann is really reaching for. Good luck to him with that, it's good to know that at least someone out there still gives enough of a shit to try.

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