Monday, December 04, 2006


Colonel Sanders fills his last bucket o' fried chicken, leaving us only with sweet memories.

[Update 5:30 PST: Added bonus to losing Bolton is the latest of what is turning out to be practically daily temper tantrums from Mister Man.

An unhappy President Bush said Monday he regretfully accepted John Bolton's decision to leave his temporary job as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

Senate opposition, led mostly by Democrats, doomed Bolton's confirmation to serve permanently.

"I'm not happy about it," Bush said during a farewell appearance at the White House attended by Bolton and his wife, Gretchen.

"I think he deserved to be confirmed. The reason I think he deserved to be confirmed is that I think he did a fabulous job for the country."

Turning to Bolton, Bush said, "We're going to miss you in this administration. You've been a stalwart defender of freedom and peace.

"You've been strong in your advocacy for human rights and human dignity. You've done everything that can be expected for an ambassador."

Yes, and until re-animation technology can be perfected, their second choice, Ted Bundy, is out. So gosh, I guess we get another couple weeks of navel-gazing as to whether Bush's choices reflect his willingness to listen to reality-based people, as if that's really even a question.]

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