Thursday, February 08, 2007

Credibility Dodge

Is Pantload really that stupid, or merely shameless and disingenuous? I know we ask this question pretty much every time we encounter this jerkoff, and default on the notion that no one could actually be as stupid as he comes across, and be able to tie their shoes, or even remember to breathe. So he must just be breathtakingly cynical, right?

Just in case you were interested, there's a whole email spam campaign going around the web about that Juan Cole non-bet from two years ago. I discussed it here and here, and have nothing substantive to add. But the vitriol and bullying of this crowd is something to behold. It's now become something of a little media story and since the other side knows all about it (and is now badgering folks who carry my column, etc), it seems silly to keep you folks in the dark. Here's the E&P write up.

Definitely read his links to his own defenses -- the guy seems to seriously think this is about whether or not he should pay off Juan Cole, and since Cole "sanctimoniously" declined (as Goldbleg himself excerpted, Cole simply didn't want to be part of some racetrack bet on people's lives with an unprincipled goon such as Pantload) to accept the "wager".

Someone spell out for this fuckin' clown that no one really cares whether he "honors" the "wager" or not. The original point of the Cole/Goldbleg dust-up was -- and it's been proven absolutely correct, over and over again -- that Jonah is a sniveling little douche who doesn't know what he's blathering about. And because he's a legacy simp, there's even less accountability than if he were, say, Joe Klein.

So save your money, DoughBob LoadPants. Nobody really expects you to pony up a grand to the USO in Cole's name. We're just trying to figure out what exactly it is you are being paid to do, and why anyone should bother to read your addled-chimp-with-dartboard record of prognostication.

{Update: Very cool. Big thanks to Tom in comments for the portrait of the fartist as a young pantload.]

And welcome folks from The Poor Man and Eschaton. Please do not be put off by the gratuitous references to Britney Spears' pooter and the like. Or be put off; it's all good.


  1. stupid, or merely shameless and disingenuous?

    Can't he be all three? After all, this lump of flesh spawned from the loins of Lucianne Goldberg. And Trixie not only earned her well-deserved nickname by svcking and fvcking for Republican dirty tricks, she proudly claims credit for it and has shamelessly exploited her notoreity into some sort of inexplicable "career."

    Like mother, like son.

  2. I'm guessing the Big Picture isn't quite as big in Jonah's world.

    M-O-O-N spells victory!

  3. M-O-O-N spells victory!

    And V-I-C-T-O-R-Y spells "win" . . . or "fandango."

  4. hammer dude, good to see you still pounding the keys.

    I jumped over for the Editors.

    DoughBob PantsLoad. Too, too good.

    Brilliant stuff.


  5. Nostra-Dumbass couldn't predict wet weather if he were drowning in the middle of the Atlantic (don't I wish!)
    If the douche would just admit that his 'judgment' isn't worth a moldy turnip-top, then he'd be quits.

  6. What Jonah's good at is hustling people, and he's trying to hustle his way out of this. He wants this to be a "serious discussion" so it's not a gang-beating with his own idiot stick as a weapon.

    When in reality it's a virtual charity carnival with a dunk tank and a big-ass target.

  7. I love it when Jonah tries to get "serious". The only thing that toad has ever been "serious" about is getting to the bottom of a bowl of popcorn chicken.

  8. And it looks like I'm buying the drinks when I run into The Editors at the next Bloggerses Out To Fuck Up David Broder's Shit Convention.

  9. His whine about not being able to spare the grand. wtf? Is he living in a refrigerator box or something?

  10. Dear Jonah:

    Some of us liberals are doughy, too, but we can only strive for the true pantload status that you've attained.

    What's your secret?

    Did suckling at Lucianne's breast until you were six help or hinder your quest for pantload greatness?

    Please advise.

    Doughy liberals everywhere

  11. I've said elsewhere before and i will say so here too, but Jonah is proof that if that was how she was gonna use it, God should have never given old Lucianne a uterus

    --The Crapture--
