Sunday, April 01, 2007


Well, folks, as they say, the big money's on the other side, and I am only (well, mostly) human. So I'm selling out -- I've signed on as an independent consultant with Jonah Goldberg's publisher to help him craft the remainder of his unfinished symphony, the serendipitously titled Are You Gonna Finish That?

I held out as long as I could, believe me, but as Geddy Lee once advised, ten bucks is ten bucks. So thanks for rolling with me, and if you see someone flipping you off in your gutter, from the comfort of a 7-series Beemer, rest assured it's me. Here is where I start clawing my way to the middle, chumps.

Also, this is probably considered proprietary information, but a rumor at the publisher is that Goldbleg is getting a sex-change operation, and is insisting that everyone call him "DoughBerta". Make of that what you will.

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