Sunday, April 01, 2007

No Foolin'

So let me get this straight -- pretending to cook the body of Christ into a wafer, okey-fine. Making a chocolicious representation of Him, not so much.

A Manhattan art gallery cancelled its Easter-season exhibit of a life-size chocolate sculpture of a naked Jesus on Friday after an outcry by Roman Catholics.

The gallery's artistic director tendered his resignation to protest the cancellation.

The sculpture "My Sweet Lord" by Cosimo Cavallaro was to be exhibited for two hours each day next week in a street-level window of the Roger Smith Lab Gallery in Midtown Manhattan.

The display had been scheduled to open on Monday, days ahead of Good Friday when Christians mark the crucifixion of Jesus and Easter Sunday when they celebrate his resurrection.

But protests including a call to boycott the affiliated Roger Smith Hotel forced the gallery to scrap the showing.

Is there a point at which rational people stand up and repudiate the endless torrent of vicious nonsense spewing from the cakehole of Bill Donohue? Why do supposedly reputable media entities even give this cheap sideshow huckster the time of day? Isn't there a guy on the sidewalk with a sandwich board who can pretty much fill the same need?

And hey, kudos to the art gallery as well. Way to stand up to the intellectual bullies in the room. They've made their point abundantly -- you can't get away with this shit in Muslim countries with representations of Mohammed, nor can you get away with similar actions here. Congratulations, you've finally become what you profess to despise. Most galling is the idea that they deserve some sort of credit for not murdering and decapitating the ChocoJesus artist, which is like being proud that you don't shit your pants in public.

I realize that these people literally make their careers out of being provoked and hysterical, but that's no reason to continue enabling their public displays of stupidity.

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