Thursday, May 24, 2007


It's official -- change is in the air!

Democrats said this week they would have jeopardized their fall bargaining position if they had insisted on keeping withdrawal timelines in the current supplemental spending bill (HR 2206). Persisting now would likely have resulted in another veto and would have handed Republicans talking points for the Memorial Day recess about which party supports the troops in the field.

Democrats were particularly worried about the prospect of Bush declaring at wreath-laying ceremonies that "Democrats have stopped resources for the troops," said Rep. Artur Davis, D-Ala.

Well, then I guess the problem in September will be that, what with Veterans' Day around the corner, and then the '08 campaign season, their "fall bargaining position" will be comfortably ensconced within their sphincters.

I don't know how many times these people need to have it beaten into their thick skulls. The Democrats still think Washington is high school with money, and in many respects it is. But at the operative level, it is prison, and you either find something to sharpen and prepare to fight dirty, or you grab your ankles and be a bitch. It's not that complicated, and if they couldn't muster the courage to take on Kid 28% now, why will they suddenly screw up the nerve to do so in September? Instead of forcing the Republicans to spend their summer regrouping and retrenching and getting their story straight, they have now allowed them to spend it reconsolidating their position, getting everyone back on the reservation and preparing for the fall campaign.

So again, nicely done, Democrats. Enjoy your recess. Hope no one gets shanked in the yard.

[Update: Olbermann sums the situation up wonderfully. These people, these promised agents of change who were given a very clear mission in the election, abdicated their responsibilities utterly. They are punks, they are clowns, and they sure as hell don't deserve a vacation or a recess until they start getting their shit together. Failing that, maybe it's time for a serious third-party effort. Not Nader, but hell, big what if, but it would just fucking sweet if Gore decided that his party was a bunch of undeserving puds and went his own path. As unrealistic as it sounds, all it really takes is enough people getting seriously tired of this bullshit.]

[Update #2: Sweet Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ, it's even worse than we thought:

Democrats said they did not relish the prospect of leaving Washington for a Memorial Day break — the second recess since the financing fight began — and leaving themselves vulnerable to White House attacks that they were again on vacation while the troops were wanting. That criticism seemed more politically threatening to them than the anger Democrats knew they would draw from the left by bowing to Mr. Bush.

I think it's time for a third party; hell, even a second one would be nice.]

[Update #3: Credit where credit is due:

The four Democratic members of the Connecticut House delegation banded together and said in a joint statement today they will oppose the Iraq spending plan, a plan with no timetables for withdrawing U.S. troops, and instead "demand legislation that includes consequences" for the Iraqis and "a plan to redeploy and then bring our troops home."


The state's only Republican lawmaker, Rep. Christopher Shays, R-4th District, intends to vote for the plan.

In the Senate, which is expected to vote Friday, Sen. Christopher J. Dodd, D-Conn., opposes the measure. Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman, an independent who caucuses with Democrats and is a strong war backer, is observing a Jewish holiday and cannot be reached for comment.

Does Lieberman spend Yom Putzur up Bush's ass, like every other day, or does he come up for air?]

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