Thursday, May 24, 2007

Old Made

I'm not sure exactly how "empowering" it is to be a doddering 80-year-old at your children's high-school graduation, but hey, whatever floats your artificially-empowered ovaries. Just give us a break on the ridiculous notions of "freedom" and "role modeling".

It's bad enough when women of normal child-bearing age pump up on fertility drugs and in vitro to give births to entire litters of children, instead of, say, considering adoption if you really need to scratch that nurturing itch. But it's simply unnecessary for sexagenarians to have twins, to cater to their own egos. It just is. Go play with your grandkids, take up gardening, rescue a puppy from the shelter, something. Tweaking the natural cycle of life is not "empowering", it's self-indulgent. And it's certainly no longer newsworthy, nor sociologically transformative. People are just going to assume they're raising their grandchildren.


  1. Ah yes! the empowering majestic freedom to give birth at any age! Because giving birth is such a fantastic thing and the population needs more white babies!!! (snark) and spend craploads of money on giving birth to MORE kids after having a couple already, instead of say, saving lives of starving children in Africa.

    Jeezus. You can tell she's had some plastic surgery too. As long as you have the money, I guess you have the 'right' to feel 'empowered' any time you freaken want.

    Sorry.. needed to rant there..

  2. I've got your empowerment right here, baby. Pretty funny, too.

    Sorry I haven't commented in a while, Heywood. I came back from Germany only to find out they broke into my house and stole my laptop, the bastards. So I'll be an intermittent commenter this summer, seeing as I have to rely on my school's computers to read blogs these days. Keep on rocking.
