Thursday, May 24, 2007

Reality Bites

So now that the American Idolt season is finally, blessedly over, I suppose now comes the recaps, retrospectives, and twinkie-depth profiles of these interchangeable doofuses. That is, until the next interminable season clogs up my teevee screen, or Paula Abdul downs a bottle of PatrĂ²n and sits on Simon's face and passes out, mercifully suffocating the poncey little twit.

For a show I've literally never seen even one minute of, I know far too much about it, far more than I ever wanted to. I believe that is the common definition of market over-saturation.

1 comment:

  1. **For a show I've literally never seen even one minute of, I know far too much about it, far more than I ever wanted to. I believe that is the common definition of market over-saturation.**

    Nail, meet head of The Hammer! I resent the HELL out of the fact that although I have less than no interest in who Sanjaya is, I know the little twerp's name, and far too much about him.
