Friday, July 20, 2007

Dog Days

What Michael Vick and his "associates", or whatever the hell they are, appear to be involved in is obviously vile and reprehensible. In prison, they'll perhaps gain a bit more empathy for the animals they abused and tortured.

Still, it's nice to see that, even though they're largely ineffectual against, you know, the war and the brazen fuck-you style of the Supreme Executive and Not Executive Except When We Say We Are Fourth Branch that we're all just finding out the existence of, pols still have room to grandstand against the easy stuff:

Democratic Sen. Robert Byrd of West Virginia, who has addressed lawmakers often about his love for animals, shook with emotion during a forceful condemnation of dogfighting.

"Hundreds of thousands -- if not millions -- of dollars are often at stake in the breeding, the training and the selling of fighting dogs. How inhuman, how dastardly!" shouted the senator. "The training of these poor creatures to turn themselves into fighting machines is simply barbaric."

Senate criticism increased Friday when Sen. John Kerry said he had sent a letter to the NFL commissioner calling for Vick's immediate suspension. The 2004 Democratic presidential nominee also said he planned to introduce new anti-dogfighting legislation.

Sweet. I hope these bastards get exactly what's coming to them. I also hope that some of our noble public servants will take similarly aggressive, bold attacks against the cartoonish nonsense emanating from the (currently occupied) cloaca of this administration.

Here's to more forceful ass-spelunking, senators.

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