Friday, August 10, 2007

A Beautiful Mind

What the hell is Tweety's fucking problem?

Immediately following President Bush’s press conference today, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews spent three unbroken minutes fawning over the president’s “powerful rendition” of his “philosophy” without uttering a single critical word. “I thought in listening to the president, I was listening to one of the great neoconservative minds,” gushed Matthews.


“This president is ready to fight like a rock through the rest of his term,” Matthews proclaimed. “He made it clear that he’s going to fight as long as it takes to develop a democracy in Iraq. There’s not going to be any change come September.”

Well, he certainly thinks like a damned rock, but then so does Tweety. Still, what exactly is the upside in this grotesque teabaggery? We know there's not going to be any change come September, asshole; we knew it back in January when all the Serious Thinkers were somberly intoning that this was our for realsies last chance, not like all those other last chances.

Bah. It's kick-the-can one more F.U., and by then it's primary season, and it's the candidates' hot potato. And thanks to no-account morons like Tweety and his fellow fluffers, Bush and his merry claque of violent idiots will get away with the horror and waste they've wrought. Nice job, guys. Really. The value of a free punditocracy proves itself once again. This is what your election-industrial complex is all about, right here.

Can't wait for the next spasm of drooling, preening stupidity from one of these wastes of oxygen. It won't be long.


  1. Neo-conservatism is a brand, the Marlboro of cracker tavern regulars.

    Tweety is correct that W expresses that brand's philosophy perfectly. Just not correct the way HE thinks it's correct.

  2. I can't watch Tweety. Even O'Reilly is less offensive; at least Falafel Bill doesn't even pretend to not be a fawning admirer.

  3. How the hell does one fight like a rock?
