Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Believers

You kinda knew there was this conservatard death cult out there, objectively wishing for another terrorist attack on home soil to clarify things to the 70% of idjits that no longer have any faith in Big Dick's Endless Snipe Hunt. Of course, such a thing would immediately invalidate their other pet theory, that the Cheney administration's willful rending of the Constitution has been the magic force field protecting us from further attacks in the first place but....well, let's just say logic has never been these folks' strong suit.

Anyway, so some douche-nozzle columnist finally says what's on the Borg hive-mind:

America's fabric is pulling apart like a cheap sweater.

What would sew us back together?

Another 9/11 attack.

The Golden Gate Bridge. Mount Rushmore. Chicago's Wrigley Field. The Philadelphia subway system. The U.S. is a target-rich environment for al Qaeda.

Is there any doubt they are planning to hit us again?

If it is to be, then let it be. It will take another attack on the homeland to quell the chattering of chipmunks and to restore America's righteous rage and singular purpose to prevail.

The unity brought by such an attack sadly won't last forever.

The first 9/11 proved that.

....and the Borg laps it up. The bracing, delusional "honesty" of Bykofsky's polemic is not the problem; the problem is clearly his jumbled mish-mash of false associations, weird leaps of logic, and flat-out speculation and wishful thinking. It's a relentlessly, consistently wrong piece, perfect in its complete lack of sense and honest observation.

Americans do seem besotted with the notion that military actions should be quick, clean, and precise, I'll give him that. But a permanently cowed corporate media has been complicit in allowing them to think such actions are ever that way, when they almost never are. Even covert black ops in the fifties ended up with tragic amounts of blowback, borne almost exclusively by little brown people in places most Americans couldn't find on a map, whose biggest crime was being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Only a sociopath could have assumed that a full-scale invasion of a strategically important country would be quick and clean.

And if "unity" is really your goal, then wouldn't pulling out accomplish that as well, with much less loss of life? Liberals have been clamoring for that already, obviously, while the vaunted 28% meathead demographic can just convince themselves that it's the Democrats' fault or whatever, like they do anyway. Even though the Democrats are still punting on first down whenever Bush shoves them around a bit on anything to do with the war, or funding, or illegal surveillance. Apparently they're just not bending over quickly enough for the contemplative freeper claque.

Anyhoo, the most revolting aspect of Bykofsky's little wish list is just how quickly it got picked up by the flying monkeys of the VRWC. They must just hang out at the same fax machine, waiting for instructions. And they've wasted no time in getting Bykofsky to explain himself.

I think they need this to keep going, and the whole thing smells of an ugly turn. Even though they are unserious, sloppy thinkers, and have no use for facts, it is becoming harder and harder for them to catapult the propaganda, and to find scapegoats. For every ambitious TNR spouse whose milblog gets 86ed with an internal investigation (which, surprise, says he's lying, but provides no details), and thus becomes a cause celebre for the week, there's endless more carnage and death that they have to continually sidestep and ignore.

So now they've started to turn their sights back to the stateside fifth column, the uncooperative doodooheads who refuse to clap their hands and say that they believe in fairies, the way Dear Leader wants them to. I shouldn't even have to say this, but obviously it's tremendously difficult to even speculate as to how another terrorist attack would affect the public psyche. There are too many variables -- the site, the casualties, the scope of the overall damage, even the origin country of the hypothetical terrorists.

Put it this way -- Saudi Arabia and Pakistan got away with one last time, considering the two countries were largely responsible for originating the financing, logistics, and manpower. A second hit by a bunch of middle-class Saudi fanatics trained in Pakistan, and there would be some fuckin' unity, but the consequences would be catastrophic all the way around. Singularity of purpose is not as helpful as one might think in the face of $200/bbl oil and numberless incinerated people.

Regardless, the way these people seem to be genuinely slavering for such an event, merely as an opportunity to reflexively toldjaso the opposition and thus boost their own fatally flawed ideology in their own eyes, is one of the more reprehensible things I've seen, in an era chock-full of them.

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