Friday, October 05, 2007


I see America's favorite idiot loon is making her periodic pub crawl through what passes for the American media these days. Hell, why not bring in the raving sandwich-board idiot from the sidewalk while you're at it?

I'll see your disenfranchisement, Sweet Cheeks, and raise you the idea that maybe they shouldn't be allowed to write books anymore either. That would at least give the country a much-needed break from your scroungy ass. Apparently the title of the wizened shrew's two-ply manifesto is If Democrats Had Brains, They'd Be Republicans, but I'm inclined to scribble out a quick riposte called If Conservatards Had Brains, They Wouldn't Pay This Insane Tranny Thirty Bucks Every Eighteen Months for the Same Fucking Book.

Shorter title: House of Coulter: Where It's Always Shark Week.

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree with Coulter. Why, sometimes these broads can't even figure out what county they're supposed to vote in.
