Friday, October 05, 2007

Pin the Tail on the Dickhead

It doesn't even need to be said, except because our media see fit to give voice to morans, it really does: Obama is absolutely right. Hannity, per usual, is a complete waste of bandwidth, oxygen, monkey butter, and the case of Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill his parents were drinking the night he was conceived.

Now, I've got to tell you -- I mean, why do we wear pins? Because our country was under attack. And to politicize once again the war to this extent. Well, who cares about the war? Are you proud of your country? Do you believe in America? Do you believe that America has been, continues to be the greatest force for good in this world? I think the answer, if you ask that question of any, you know, liberal today, I think they doubt that America is a force for good in the world, that America has been, continues to be a force for good in the world. And I think it's, you know, the greatest gift God gave us and continues to be a force for good.

[emphasis in original]

I agree about America's wonderfulness, but that is in spite of toxic oafs like Hannity and the crowd of shitbirds he rolls with, not because of or even correlated with. I think making hay out of cheap lapel symbolism lowers the already embarrassingly low bar of rhetoric and conjecture, which means it's perfect for a slug like Hannity.

Maybe we should check the candidates' vehicles for suitable placement of approved Chinese ribbon magnets, per the Fox/Regnery Politburo diktat.

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