Saturday, February 16, 2008

Cult of Personality

Yes, folks, it's Obama's acolytes that are the problem, because we haven't been watching and listening to the claque of Reagan necrophiliacs for Jeebus knows how many years now.

Ordinarily I'd just call these media morons "lazy cocksuckers" and leave it at that, but even a passed-out milf puts more effort into it. These are people, quite frankly, who would return their paychecks uncashed and immediately start looking into a different line of work, if they were honest with themselves.

I like Obama more than I did a year ago, though I carry no torch for him nor any other candidate. I think it's silly, just as a matter of principle, to emotionally invest in anyone so heavily, outside of your immediate family. It's emotionally unhealthy and intellectually purblind. But, you know, a "cult" is just a religion that hasn't found its sea legs yet and become a financially viable institution. Obama, in comparison with both the other candidates, appears quite viable finanacially, certainly more so than, for example, Jake Tapper or Carol Costello.

Whom, if anyone, do they plan on casting their vote for, after they finish casting their irresponsibly selective observations? And when can we expect the offsetting barrage of breathless "belligerent codger" pronunciamentos re John McCain?

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